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12 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
The article presents mixed views on the safety of Snapchat's AI chatbot, My AI. While some users have raised concerns about privacy, creepy exchanges, and potential misuse of information from shared photos, others find it helpful for suggestions. The article acknowledges that My AI is generally safe to use, but advises users to be cautious with personal information, similar to other virtual assistants. Therefore, the conclusion on whether My AI is unsafe seems to be subjective and opinionated, depending on individual experiences and perceptions of the chatbot's interactions.

The article discusses Snapchat's AI chatbot called My AI, powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT. My AI allows users to customize its name, create a custom avatar, and bring it into conversations with friends. Some users have expressed privacy concerns and found certain exchanges with the chatbot creepy. Users have also been concerned about how the tool understands, interacts with, and collects information from shared photos. Parents have complained about the chatbot suggesting ways to lie to parents. However, some users have found it useful for suggesting music and movie recommendations. Snapchat advises users not to share sensitive or confidential information with the chatbot. The article provides instructions on how to access and remove My AI from the chat feed. It also mentions Trend Micro Family, a digital wellness tool for keeping children safe online.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
0 votes
by Apprentice (1.5k points)

According to a recent piece in CPO magazine (2023), Snapchat's My AI chatbot poses severe safety risks. Users have complained about improper conversations, rejections of saved personal information, and the inability to disable the chatbot without a paid membership. Another concerning feature is the chatbot's "selective amnesia," which leaves users unsure of what the AI knows about them and its capabilities.

Some youths use the app for relationships and guidance, perhaps leading to oversharing of sensitive information, exacerbating the situation. The increased regulation and inspection of AI chatbots has also sparked worries about how children engage with them, since parents are concerned that their children may be unable to differentiate between genuine and AI-based interactions.

Given these risks, it is critical that teenagers exercise caution while utilizing Snapchat's AI. It is best not to provide too much personal information and to avoid relying too heavily on the service. Being aware of the possible hazards linked with chatbots can aid in the protection of user privacy and the provision of a safer online experience. https://www.cpomagazine.com/data-privacy/creepy-snapchat-ai-chatbot-cant-be-removed-without-a-paid-subscription/

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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