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in General Factchecking by Journeyman (3.8k points)
Attached: 1 video Well, there it is, confirmation that Trump wanted to start his own private militia and that his response to the protests of 2020 was a test run. #Trump #MilesTaylor

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.7k points)
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Best answer
It seems to be true that far right militia groups had contact with people close to Trump. However, there seems not to be any evidence of Trump directly organizing militia groups. In a article from The Guardian it is stated that Stewart Rhodes, leader of the militia group the Oath Breakers, claims that he spoke with an individual close to Trump. However, also states he was denied when requesting to speak directly with Trump.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Novice (560 points)
Even though people in Trump's inner circle ended up leading far-right groups, it cannot be said that Trump himself wanted his own militia. Instead Trump used the momentum of far-right groups and channeled his own anger with it.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Innovator (51.1k points)
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Don't forget to add in some quotes or to cite anything gained from a source (re: NPR).
by Journeyman (3.2k points)
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The NPR article you gave stated that there were "contacts" between members of Trump's inner circle and far-right groups, but I didn't find anything about them "leading" these groups. Was there somewhere else you got this info from? It seems like the relationship between the people and the groups is less direct than how you stated it.

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