1 Answer

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by Journeyman (2.7k points)
While it is true that Flannery Associates' has been buying land surrounding Travis AFB in California, they plan on using the land to start a new city.

According to ABC, the firm recently published a website in which they laid out their plans to create a sustainable city that will benefit the residents of Solano County long into the future.

Not everyone is convinced that this is actually the case, but the firm has supposedly sold all of the land that is adjacent to the base, claiming that it was necessary to buy that land in order to secure more desirable land.

The firm also claimed that they have no plans to build homes within a mile of the base.



by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Why do you think the claim is exaggerated/misleading? Your first sentence states that it is true that Flannery Associates has bought land surrounding the base. So therefore, isn't it a true claim?

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