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in General Factchecking by Master (4.2k points)
Social media has been spiraling with the story that Ruby Franke from the YouTube series "8 Passengers" was arrested for child abuse. Allegedly, one of Franke's children escaped from a window and asked a neighbor for food and water. The neighbor then called the cops.
by Novice (530 points)
0 0
All of this is true. On December 18th 2023 Ruby Frank plead guilty to four counts of child abuse with her friend and co host of her podcast Jodi Hildebrandt. When she said she would testify against her two counts were dropped. The judge spoke how the neighbors saw her child in bad condition after he crawled out of a window to get help. There are multiple sources that say these facts and a video of the court case of her admitting to all of it. This is just one source.


20 Answers

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by Novice (890 points)
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Best answer

Ruby Franke was taken under custody on Aug. 30 after a neighbor called the police on Franke's son who came to their house asking for food and water, but was found to have duct tape around his hands and feet. According to AP News, the child was found climbing out of Jodi Hildebrandt's, and the neighbor immediately called 9-11 “due to his deep lacerations from being tied up with rope and from his malnourishment,” arrest records state. After a thorough search, another one of Jodie's children was found malnourished. Both children were taken to the hospital where they are recieving medical care and treatment. Both Franke and Hildebrandt were arrested under six felony charges for suspicion under aggravated child abuse. According to NPR, Franke worked with Hildebrandt-known for her work with Connexions (an infamous counseling service)- as they both "share[d] values-based lessons on topics like blame, control and denial, with notes on family life infused throughout."

by Novice (890 points)
0 0
This a good fact check that has a ton of evidence. I like how you stated the exact date she was arrested and even pulled quotes. Overall 10 out of 10.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
0 0
I think this is a good factcheck, and it relates to a topic I remember hearing a lot about when it first hit the news. Providing quotes from the source is a good way to backup your claim, though the source for the claim is not included. If you add it I think this can be a very helpful check. I'm also curious if you checked any other cites for these quotes or the story.
by Novice (740 points)
0 0
This a great fact check because they tell the audience the back story to the claim and why the claim is true.
by Newbie (410 points)
0 0
I agree with this fact check. I have been trying to keep updated with the happening of this case. The quotes are a great way to backup information and everything you stated is information that i have gathered from other sources. Great job!
by Novice (810 points)
0 0
This was a very good fact-check. You used sources to describe the conditions and timeline of the Frankes arrest. By quoting and paraphrasing the information you found from different sources, you showed that you did your research on this claim in order to determine its accuracy.
8 like 0 dislike
by Journeyman (2.2k points)

This is true. From NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ruby-franke-vlogger-8-passengers-youtube-channel-arrested-child-abuse-rcna102731 

"Ruby Franke, the Utah mom behind the now-defunct family YouTube channel "8 Passengers," was arrested Wednesday on child abuse charges after authorities found a malnourished minor with open wounds and duct tape on their extremities, officials announced."

"The condition of the juvenile was so severe that they were seen by Santa Clara-Ivins EMS and transported to a local area hospital," the press release said."

by Novice (530 points)
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The quote that you used solidified how this fact is true. I also saw the details of the condition of the child which you cannot ignore to make it true.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
0 0
I like this factcheck but no reference to the claims of how this was discovered. Very clear and concise answer to the main question though.
by Novice (740 points)
0 0
This a great fact check because they use a quote from the news source to validate their claim.
by Novice (820 points)
0 0
The quote you used and linking the sources you uses makes this a really useful and trustworthy fact check.
2 like 0 dislike
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
It has been reported by multiple publications that Ruby Franke has been formally charged with six count of child abuse. Ruby was arrested a week ago and on Sep 5 she was charged with child abuse according to NBC News.


by Apprentice (1.7k points)
0 0
This is a really inclusive fact check. I appreciate the links to your sources and that you have two different sources to provide credibility.
3 like 0 dislike
by Journeyman (3.0k points)
This is true.

Ruby Franke, YouTube personality who ran the '8 Passengers' channel, was arrested Wednesday, August 30th, is formally being charged with six counts of felony child abuse in Utah. According to the neighbor. the child had climbed out of a window and ran to their house asking for food and water. The neighbor had noticed that there was duct tape around their wrist and ankles and that they looked extremely malnourished.




by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Nice work locating three sources for your fact-check! When writing up your fact-check, it's helpful to attribute your information to its source. Example: According to BBC News, Franke is currently being held in jail located in Washington County, Utah.
by Novice (600 points)
0 0
Using three strong, trustworthy sources to verify your fact checking is very well done.  Using multiple sources to prove a point makes the fact check super helpful, and leaves the reader without a doubt.  Great work!
by Novice (530 points)
0 0
Good job finding three trust worthy sources. This proves how this claim is true. There are so many more sources out there that also show how the claim is true. I feel like there are a lot of times when youtube stars get into trouble be lit is blown out of proportion since everything is at the public eye, but this case is certainly true.
by Novice (810 points)
0 0
This was a good and concise fact check. I like how you provided multiple sources from well-known news outlets to raise credibility. You provided a date and short description of the situation which is great for understanding the circumstances of Frankes arrest.
3 like 0 dislike
by Journeyman (2.5k points)

Unfortunately, she did abuse her children greatly. Fortunately, she is now in jail. Both her and Jodi Hildebrandt were charged with "six felony counts of aggravated child abuse after their arrests on Aug. 30" according to AP (https://apnews.com/article/youtube-mom-parenting-advice-child-abuse-charges-d659de95728e8945dd6886d336fd9c6d).

The AP article continues to explain how this came to be. The 12-year-old child of Franke escaped from Hildebrandt's house, alarmingly weak and with duct tape around his ankles and wrists. He went to the neighbor asking for help. According to the Independent, Franke will face up to 15 years (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ruby-franke-court-appearance-utah-b2408092.html). We will have to wait and see if the other people who knew this was happening will face consequences.

3 like 0 dislike
by Journeyman (3.2k points)
Yes, this claim is mostly correct. Ruby Franke, the mother who runs the "8 Passengers" Youtube channel was arrested on Aug. 30. According to a Salt Lake City based branch of ABC news, the affidavit stated that a child climbed out of the window of Franke's business parnter, Jodie Hildebrandt's, house, ran to a neighbor's house and asked for food and water. He also asked the neighbor to call the police. Another child was also found by police in Hildebrandt's home. Where this claim is slighly incorrect is the specificity of the crime. According to AP News, Franke and Hildebrandt were charged with six  felony counts of aggravated child abuse, but there are no charges of neglect so far. This article also states that they are currently being held without bail. I tried to find the actual court record of the affidavit ABC cites, but couldn't manage to. Here are links to both articles:


by Journeyman (2.5k points)
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Nice work on analysing the claim and going to the depth by using multiple evidence. You paraphrased all the important information from the news, but I suggest using some quotes would be beneficial.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
0 0
This is a great factcheck. I agree that the claim is mostly correct. There are no charges of neglect and Franke is not officially sentenced to jail yet. Great work pointing out these flaws in the claim. To further develop this factcheck, I suggest including quotes from the articles so include more evidence. I would also expand more on the context of Franke's charges, such as when they were charged and where.
3 like 0 dislike
by Apprentice (1.5k points)

Ruby Franke has been in jail since Aug. 30 after her 12 year-old son escaped from a window in their home will duct tape on his wrists and ankles asking for help from his neighbor. The boy was found to be malnourished as was his 10 year-old sister. Franke appeared in court on Sept. 8 where she was accused of permitting serious injury to her children through physical injuries, starvation, and severe emotional harm. The judge ordered Franke to remain in jail until her next hearing on Sept. 21. 

sources: https://www.npr.org/2023/09/06/1197833521/ruby-franke-charges-youtube-child-abuse



1 like 0 dislike
by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim is true. On August 30, 2023, Ruby Franke was arrested on child abuse charges (People). After her 12-year-old son knocked on a neighbor's door (visibly malnourished) asking for food and water, they decided to call police. This led to Franke's 10-year-old daughter in friend/coworker Jodi Hildebrandt's home. According to CBS News, Franke tried to convince her two youngest children that they were evil, possessed and needed to be punished in order to repent and be forgiven. In September 2023, she was charged with six counts of child abuse, but two were dropped under the plea deal.

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by Apprentice (1.8k points)

Family YouTube vlogger Ruby Franke and her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt were both arrested on Aug. 30 on felony counts of aggravated child abuse, according to KUTV. Franke ran the popular family channel “8 Passengers” for several years, accumulating over 2.5 million subscribers. According to KUTV, an officer reported that, on the day of the arrest, an unnamed 12-year-old child had "climbed out of the window of an Ivins residence belonging to Jodi Hildebrandt and ran to a neighbor's home,” where the neighbor notified police officers of the child’s condition. On arrival, law enforcement noted that the child was significantly malnourished and they were later transported to St. George Regional Hospital, alongside a 10-year-old child who had also been found at the Ivins home in  similar condition. A video that had been posted two days before the arrests was instrumental in their arrests, according to court documents obtained by KUTV. "Ruby Franke was seen on a YouTube video filmed in Jodi Hildebrandt's downstairs, which was posted two days ago," it read. The arresting officer stated that the video proved that both women were present in the home and aware of the abuse taking place. This account of events has been corroborated by the Sacramento Bee and CBS News




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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

According to NBC News, Ruby Franke was formally charged with six counts of felony child abuse by the Washington County Attorney in Utah. NBC News received this information from a spokesperson for the attorney’s office. In an emailed statement, the county attorney listed the ways Franke was charged for child abuse including, “multiple physical injuries or torture, starvation or malnutrition, and causing emotional harm.” This article was published one week after Franke’s arrest in August. 

A more recent article published by 2KUTV, a local news station in Salt Lake City, Utah, stated that Franke pleaded guilty and accepted a plea deal of “four second-degree felony counts of aggravated child abuse.” The article features photos and videos from Franke’s court hearing. She accepted the plea deal on December 18th and will be sentenced on February 20th. Since her arrest, Franke has been in custody at the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane, Utah. 

Using the information from my sources, I can conclude this claim is mostly correct. Franke has been in custody since her arrest, however, she has not formally been sentenced yet to prison. My sources tell me she’s charged for child abuse, not neglect, as some chargers were dropped. To rewrite this claim, I would say, “Ruby Franke to be sentenced for child abuse charges.” 

I made sure to use reliable news stations that were able to either be on the scene or speak to someone who’s dealing with the case.

by Novice (550 points)
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I think this is a great response and in-depth fact-check ! It was good that you included multiple sources in your fact-check and provided the links. I also like how you mentioned that the claim wasn't completely accurate yet since Ruby Franke hasn't formally been sentenced yet.
by Apprentice (1.5k points)
0 0
This is a great in-depth response and fact check to this claim. I appreciate how you really focused on the claim as is and didn’t expand beyond it. I loved the inclusion of mentioning that Franke has accepted a plea deal to “four second degree felony counts” and that two others were dropped. The way that you stated that you would rewrite this claim to fit the facts is something that I don’t see often so it is great to see it.

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• Be respectful
• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
• Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
• Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
• Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
• Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.