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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.1k points)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shared Hunter Biden’s nude photographs in a newsletter she sent out to constituents, which may have included minors. 

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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This is very false in my opinion. This seems to based off an incident from July of 2023 where Majorie Green Taylor showed nude photios of Hunter Biden that were on a poster at a congressional hearing. Although Taylor posted herself showing these posters on her Twitter there is no evidence of there being a newsletter. This is where I think the article is strongly misleading and false. It claims that there was a newsletter that was possibly sent to minors. The writer of this article you posted,Tori Otten aledged this newsletter contained Taylor showing the sexually explicit photos at said hearing. It is important to differentiate that minors could have potenttially seen it on twitter however there is no evidence of a newsletter. Otten studied at Columbia University's graduate school of Journalism. Her work includes many articles with clickbait headlines that seem to have the purpose of attracting interenet traffic. The news company she works for News Republic is left leaning biases site, although it has articles based off of real occurences they are twisted to the point where it is not truthful.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
0 0
This was a very good check! I appreciate the fact that you gave context to the claim and provided multiple sources with the URL links. I also appreciate that you gave context to Tori Otten and the history she has of clickbait articles.
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by Novice (880 points)



The headline of this article is a bit exaggerated, as most headlines tend to be for clickbait. As confirmed by the Washington Post article, Marjorie Taylor Greene did show explicit images of Hunter Biden in a hearing back in July of 2023 to the members of Congress in the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. The article in question specifically claims that a newsletter from Marjorie Taylor Green shared a Twitter link to images of her at the hearing with the sexually explicit photographs, and this newsletter was sent to her constituents, some of which potentially being minors. The tweet link is from Aaron Fritschner, who is the Deputy Chief of Staff for Congressman Don Beyer. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be evidence of the actual newsletter. I did not find anything. I cannot speak for the validity of the newsletter, but the event in the congressional hearing did occur, as confirmed by the Washington Post. I would rate this article as exaggerated, and perhaps misleading. Readers should read the article with caution. The news source, the New Republic, seems to also be slightly liberally biased, which is always important to know.

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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