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in General Factchecking by Genius (43.7k points)
Fossils of alien corpses were discovered in Peru.

7 Answers

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by Master (4.2k points)
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Best answer

This statement is false. I searched the term "Fossils of alien corpses were discovered in Peru" and was met with a lot of articles that were mere speculations. According to The New York Times a ufologist who had a history of performing pseudoscience on television, claimed that these specimens were alien fossils from Peru. However, other scientists from NASA were rather embarrassed by such an evidently false claim. A 2021 study done by the Ktisis Cyprus University of Technology  showed that the specimens were combined bones from several different species, including the head of a llama. After research, it appears that this many credible scientists believe the claim is false and was only used as an attention grab.

by Novice (580 points)
0 0
You did a very good fact-check here. It's important to look at credible sources and evidence-based research when refuting claims such as the discovery of alien fossils. The case you mentioned has skepticism and critical thinking, especially in the realm of ufology and extraterrestrial claims. Your point about the consensus among scientists, including those from NASA and research institutions like the Ktisis Cyprus University of Technology, suggesting that the purported discovery of alien fossils in Peru was indeed a sensationalized and false claim was a great source to include.
by Newbie (420 points)
0 0
This claim is false. The fact check was a good start especially because you found sources and evidence based articles. There were a few points that were made that were a little bit out of the sorts. I think you should maybe do a little bit more research on it.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
0 0
This is a good fact check. Citing your sources would better solidify your claims. If there is any information missing in a source that could debunk your claim, other users cannot check those sources to double-check the claim.
by Novice (800 points)
0 0
I also fact-checked it the same way you did but did not see NASA saying they are embarrassed. Overall was a good fact check proven to be false.
by Novice (820 points)
0 0
This is a great fact check that is informative, but also straight to the point with information to support it. This claim is another on top of pure misinformation that is being spread concerning the matter
5 like 0 dislike
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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This claim is false. Upon doing research into these "aliens" discovered in Peru, it's clear that James Maussan is spreading misinformation. In September 2023, CBS News published an article stating that Maussan is known to make sensational claims. Maussan has a history of partnering with "pseudoscience entertainment companies rather than scientific institutions" CBS said. The author, Mikayla Price who is a digital producer for CBS Chicago, describes Maussan as a "self-described UFOlogist" and a  "self-described journalist." 

According to Wikipedia, Maussan was a journalist for several Mexican broadcasting networks since 1970. He was also named on the United Nations Annual Environmental Program Honor Roll in 1990. While Maussan does have a background in journalism, his claims about extraterrestrial life often lack concrete evidence. 

In another CBS article, Flavio Estrada, a forensic archaeologist, revealed that the "aliens" Maussan presented to the Mexican congress were actually human-made dolls assembled with synthetic glue. This debunks Maussan's claim. 

This is an example of misinformation because the facts Maussan is presenting to the public are false, but he believes they are true.   

by Apprentice (1.3k points)
0 0
This is a great fact check specifically because you found the source of where this claim was coming from. In following up on this, you found that the person making these claims is not credible. There is various evidence proving that these claims are false and that the person making them is not reliable, proving this to be a good fact check.
by Novice (750 points)
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This is indeed an example of misinformation! Adding more than one article is a good source of fact-checking.
by Novice (800 points)
0 0
This was a great fact check and the use of sources and names really helped show how it was a false statement.
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by Novice (920 points)

This information is false.

In September, 2023, Jaime Massan, a self-proclaimed "UFOlogist" went before Mexico's congress to present two mummified bodies he claims were found in Peru and represented alien life forms. 

Peru's prosecutors office seized the figures and Flavio Estrada, a forensic archaeologist, concluded at a press conference for the Peruvian Ministry of Culture that, "The humanoid three-fingered dolls consisted of earth-bound animal and human bones assembled with modern synthetic glue."

Furthermore, Massan has made several claims like this in the past that have been debunked and have shown his investment in pseudoscience partnerships that render his scientific conclusions unreliable, according to Jordan Bimm, a space historian and professor of science communication at the University of Chicago. All current information regarding this development have concluded that the findings are false and the alien mummified bodies found are nothing more than a hoax.

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by Novice (610 points)
This claim is false. When looking further into this case, you can find the multiple articles that debunk this claim. The "alien" was actually bones from multiple different species. ˇThere are many cases of similar occurrences. It is done in order to promote pandamoniaum and can usually be debunked with a few searches to reliable news sources.


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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

The claim that fossils of alien corpses were discovered in Peru has been thoroughly debunked. Forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada, leading the analysis for Peru's prosecutor's office, confirmed that the items, initially causing a worldwide stir, were not extraterrestrial but rather hoaxes. These objects, including two doll-like figures and an alleged three-fingered hand, were made from paper, glue, metal, and a mix of human and animal bones​. This revelation followed a sensational presentation by Mexican journalist and UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan to Mexico's congress, where he displayed supposed non-human mummies found in Peru, sparking significant controversy and skepticism. Despite his claims and the initial stir caused, the analysis and official statement have clearly shown these objects to be fabrications, not evidence of extraterrestrial life



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by Novice (770 points)

After researching and looking into this claim, it was determined to be false. I found a lot of information about this claim stating that is was entirely made up or that the remains found were those belonging to dolls. According to CBS News, "Aliens have not been discovered after all. The doll-like figures, photos of which went viral online last year, are just that - dolls, according to scientists". In another article, found in Reuters, stated "The two small specimens were described as humanoid dolls by experts at a press conference in Lima, and likely fashioned from both human and animal parts. A separate three-fingered hand believed to be from Peru's Nazca region was also analyzed, with experts ruling out any connection to alien life". From these two articles based on the original topic, they support the fact that the original statement is completely false. 



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by Novice (800 points)
This statement is false. I looked up the caption of the video to see what I could find and most of the articles said that the corpse was put together by animal bones. There seems to be a lot of misleading details and evidence as to what may be.
by Genius (43.7k points)
0 0
Which websites did you use to put together your fact-check? Always cite your info and include URLs. Thanks!

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