31 like 8 dislike
in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
by Novice (590 points)
0 0
I like how you included many credible sources in your response. You also bring up a valid point. The primary purpose of Ozempic when it first came out was to help people with diabetes, and only with its popularity on social media platforms, like TikTok, did people start using it to treat obesity.
by Novice (590 points)
0 0
I agree with your point that it needs to be more researched on how Ozempic affects people who are non-diabetics. It is such a new thing that no research shows the long-term effects of using Ozempic or how it could affect your health as you age.
by Newbie (340 points)
0 0
I feel like this comment could have had more evidence and proof for this claim, by following the sift method.
by Newbie (360 points)
0 0
I dont completely agree with this statement however I don't disagree with it either according to the UCDavis university it was originally made for type-2 diabetes and doesnt seem to be bad for your health using something called semaglutide which is used in another weight loss drug approved by the FDA called Wegovy in a even smaller doese then wegovy.
by Newbie (370 points)
0 0
I don’t entirely agree with this statement, but I don’t completely disagree either. According to UC Davis, this medication was originally developed for type 2 diabetes and doesn’t appear to be harmful to overall health. It contains semaglutide, the same active ingredient used in the FDA-approved weight loss drug Wegovy—though in an even smaller dose than Wegovy.

32 Answers

27 like 0 dislike
by Journeyman (2.2k points)
selected by
Best answer

Ozempic was originally approved by the FDA in 2017 for adults with type 2 diabetes, according to UC Davis Health. It is used to help lower blood sugar, but it is not approved for weight loss; however, some physicians prescribe it to be used for weight loss. The ingredient in Ozempic, semaglutide, does work for weight loss, but Ozempic isn't approved for weight loss. If the drug is being taken for weight loss, the body may grow accustomed to it, and establish a new normal. Experts still recommend that only those who have type 2 diabetes take Ozempic.

Another article by Forbes Health indicates that, due to a Wegovy shortage, people began using Ozempic off-label for weight loss reasons. It is important to note that the FDA only approved it for the treatment of diabetes only, not as a weight loss medication. Ozempic has its own side effects, and it isn't safe for all people to use. As well, Ozempic shouldn't be used for short-term weight loss.

In all, there are numerous perspectives on whether or not Ozempic is safe for weight loss, and in all honesty, it depends on the reasons the individual is taking it. I don't think this statement can be labeled as true or false.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
1 0
I like the way you use multiple scoruces and explain them rather than just saying. "Oh it says here that your claim is right/wrong"
by Journeyman (2.5k points)
1 0
Nicely put. It's also worth noting that there was a fairly recent incident where these kinds of medicines were being used by so many people who just wanted to lose weight that there became a shortage, and the people who really needed the medication were having trouble accessing it.
by Journeyman (2.2k points)
0 0
You did a really good job with this fact-check. You went through what this medication is about, its multiple purposes, and cited the sources. I like how you said that it can't be true or false because it really does depend on the conditions a person has while taking this type of medication.
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
0 0
I appreciate you detailing multiple sources to back up your claim, as well as providing context and background information for the drug.
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
0 0
This is a great fact check. You provided information from credible sources and explained them very clearly. This is beneficial for those who do not want to find their sources or click on links to various articles. I feel people are more likely to read a quick post that clearly states and proves it is taking information from reliable sources.
by Newbie (480 points)
0 0
I think you did a really good job with this fac-check. I like that you started out by explaining what ozempic can be good for and what it has been approved for, but then you follow it up by explaining how it actually was never approved for weight loss. I like that you explain that you technically can take it, but it is not good for weightloss, and you really only should be using ozempic if you have type 2 diabetes. Overall, good fact check.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
0 0
This is a very thorough fact check. It offers many different sources of information about taking Ozempic. Its good that you mentioned it depends on the reason you take it, such as if  you have diabetes and are taking it for that reason, yes you will lose weight. Taking it just to lose weight and not having a condition that it is medicated for may not be the safest for your body.
by Novice (720 points)
0 0
I like how you include in your fact check that this is a claim that can't necessarily be proclaimed as true or false because it depends on the individual and their situation. It's very important to address when claims make a generalized statement about something that cannot be generalized. Furthermore, you found multiple sources to back up both perspectives and show that this claim really can't be described as true or false. Great work! I thought this article was good too:
by Novice (890 points)
0 0
This is a good fact-check. your thorough evidence is sufficient in the argument that is neither true or false.
by Novice (830 points)
0 0
Great job mitigating this claim! It's hard to have a direct answer on this situation, so I appreciate the extent you went to verify your point. I do think that it could be nice to have both pros and cons, going to maybe sources that prove or disprove the initial claim. Regardless, good job!
by Novice (820 points)
0 0
This was a hard fact check to do specifically because of what you said about how the answer comes down mostly to the reasons why the individual is taking ozempic. Your sources were good, and citing actual medical professionals helped your case. I would have liked to see  some direct quotes given.
by Apprentice (1.4k points)
0 0
Thank you for your rigorous fact-check. However, I would imply that it's false. Believing this because if a medication is for a specific purpose for a particular medical condition, then that's what its intended use is. Reading your fact-check, Ozempic is for adults with type 2 diabetes to lower blood sugar. That's why it was approved by the FDA and anything that happens as a side effect happens. Ozempic itself wasn't approved by the FDA as a weight loss drug. It's as if the claim were saying marijuana is safe for weight loss, which isn't true.
by Apprentice (1.6k points)
0 0
I really liked your take on this claim in how it can't really be proven true or false. It shows you went in depth into both sides of the claim, true or false, and did thorough fact-checks. Great job!
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
0 0
This answer is insightful; there were multiple articles used to support the claim, and the sources further explained why ozempic is not a "weight loss drug"; instead, it is targeted at those with type two diabetes. As ozempic has gained popularity for its weight loss results, I was under the impression that it was a weight loss drug.
by Novice (780 points)
0 0
This is a great fact check, especially because of the controversy around the use of Ozempic for weight loss. Good job!
by Novice (530 points)
0 0
This was a really good fact check. I like that you provided that Ozempic was originally for diabities. I like that you said how it is not able to be proven true or false.
by Newbie (420 points)
0 0
I really like this fact-check. Not only did you source multiple sights but you accurately sighted this. I like that you also gave information on diabetes and helped source and state that ozempic was actually made for diabetic people.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
0 0
This is a very insightful answer done by yourself. You cited multiple sources and cited them accurately. You also gave very keen information on diabetes and how it works. Besides that you were able to find that there are not arguments for either side to prove true or false.
by Apprentice (1.6k points)
0 0
This is very well done. I liked that you started with the medication's original purpose/ use. It adds a tremendous amount of clarity knowing that it wasn't marketed specifically as a weight-loss drug. It is also smart that you noted the opinion aspect of this fact-check. The claim is mostly opinion based.
by Novice (880 points)
0 0
Very nice factcheck! I appreciate the repetition of mentioning that the FDA has only approved it for type 2 diabetes. It is very important for patients to have informed consent, and I hope doctors are thoroughly explaining these factors before prescribing the medication. Reliable sources, thorough background, great job!
by Novice (750 points)
0 0
This is a quality fact check. Using a reliable source such as UC Davis health was helpful to prove this point. It was important that you found this claim to be more opinion based as well. Overall a great job!
by Novice (920 points)
0 0
This is a great fat check. I appreciate how you look to UC Davis Health and Forbes Health to better understand the effects ozempic, especially when it is taken and is not needed for diabetes. I also appreciate how you address the controversy surrounding Ozempic, and how it is different for each individual. You state that ozempic is FDA approved for type 2 diabetes, but not for weight-loss. However, you do not cite any information from the FDA, only other outside sources. One thing that I think would improve your fact-check would be to pull from other sources, like the FDA or the research studies surrounding ozempic. Adding these sources would add scientific research and backing to the claim, making your fact-check more valid.
by Novice (740 points)
0 0
This is a wonderful fact check as it really goes into depth about the issue and helps the readers understand the full extent of the topic. I appreciate that you point out that this fact check is opinionated while still providing the facts surrounding it. Good job.
by Novice (750 points)
0 0
Excellent fact-checking! Clarity is added by stating that the medicine wasn't intended for weight loss from the outset. You accurately identify the subjective nature of the claim. The FDA's acceptance of type 2 diabetes is mentioned again, which successfully underlines the idea. Patients must give their informed consent, and it matters that you bring this up. UC Davis Health is a reliable site to use. It was a wise decision to label the claim as opinion-based. All in all, excellent work!
by Newbie (420 points)
0 0
This is a great fact-check! You included the important fact that there's not a yes or no answer. It's nuanced because it could technically allow people to lose weight but it is made for people with type 2 diabetes so it does truly depend on the individual taking it.
by (190 points)
0 0
Good fact-check! Any drug should be taken with care and can definitely affect people differently. I appreciate how you mentioned reliable sources like the FDA/university studies and how you discussed both sides of this argument (specifically how there’s some truth as well as it being a bit misleading). The one thing is that I think would’ve made your argument stronger would’ve been if you had added links to the articles + quoted them!
by Newbie (360 points)
0 0
This is a great fact check. Additionally, you chose a reputable source which just bolsters the comment.
by Novice (510 points)
0 0
This is a great fact check! I appreciate the usage of multiple reputable sources to help support your claim. You mentioned that this is neither true nor false and can truly just depend on the situation on when to use the drug.
by Novice (590 points)
0 0
This is a great fact-check! It is important that we know this isn't a simple yes or no answer. This also as you said depends on the person who is taking the medicine.
by Novice (810 points)
0 0
I agree with your answer. I think that there are a lot of considerations that need to be made regarding the use of medicine. You used several credible sources which helps to further your point.
by Newbie (360 points)
0 0
This is an excellent fact check with great sources. I like how you split each of your explanations into different parts and made sure to include crucial information about what Ozempic contains. Great job and I agree with your answer!
by Newbie (320 points)
0 0
This is a great fact-check! You provided a reputable source with a link for access to back up your findings. You also broke down your explanation into separate parts which made it easier for comprehension and your answer comes across very clear. The only thing I would say is to maybe add at least one more source to support your findings just for extra reassurance.
by Novice (850 points)
0 0
Having data from a trusted source makes this a good fact check. I also think that you explaining the origin of Ozempic made it a good fact check.
ago by Newbie (310 points)
0 0
This is a really solid fact check, you really go into detail about the potential downsides of ozempic, and reference creditable sources at the same time. I like how you also mention how it can be looked at in a different way depending on why you are using it.
10 like 1 dislike
by Journeyman (3.2k points)

The chemical compound in Ozempic, semaglutide, affects a hormone and reduces hunger and appetite and slows emptying of the stomach, along with its effects on blood sugar, which often leads to weight loss. However, the drug Ozempic has not been approved as a purely weight loss drug and is intended to medicate type 2 diabetes. According to Forbes, there is another drug using the same compound called Wegovy that has been approved for weight loss. Due to low availability of this drug, many people have been taking Ozempic instead. It doesn't seem like there are any dangers to taking Ozempic for weight loss, but it does make it harder for people with diabetes to access it.


by Apprentice (1.8k points)
2 0
Something interesting I found is that when looking up the keywords "what are the negative side effects for ozempic" I got a list saying "The most common Ozempic side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and constipation"

Whereas when you look up "what are the negative side effects of Wegovy, you get a far more detailed response "The most common side effect with Wegovy is nausea and occurs in about 44% of people. Others include diarrhea (30%), vomiting (24%), constipation (24%), stomach-area pain (20%), feeling bloated (7%), heartburn (5%), belching or gas (6%)."

This could indicate that Wegovy is a more researched and safer option for weight loss than Ozempic, but does not disprove your point that it CAN be used for weightloss. Just some food for thought.

Source for Ozempic:

Source for Wegovy:
by Newbie (460 points)
0 0
This is a great fact-check! I like that you brought in another source, Wegovy, and how its lack of availability has preemptively led many individuals to turn to and popularize Ozempic as an alternative for weight loss.
by Apprentice (1.6k points)
0 0
I appreciate your take, and the context you gave in your answer. I would recommend using a source other than Forbes however, as the claim relates to medical information. Including some sort of expert opinion might be a good idea to legitimize your take.
by Novice (810 points)
0 0
I am going to have to disagree with your answer. Ozempic is known to have side affects, especially if you take it as a non-diabetic which can be harmful. I did find your comment on the low availability of Wegovy interesting and think that that is a strong reason why there has been a recent increase in the amount of Ozempic users.
by Novice (570 points)
0 0
This is a good fact check saying the whole situation and even giving a better option/alternative.
5 like 0 dislike
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
Ozempic while it is meant to be a drug for diabetes it can also be used to help with weight loss. It is not recommended to use ozempic for weight loss only, and that you should consult with your doctor before taking any such drug. It is said here and mentioned by online doctor companies that what is claimed is true. Due to the science behind the drug you can see a weight loss of close to 12% of weight loss in the first 12 weeks of using ozempic.


by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Given your fact-check explanation, how would you rate the claim? False, since the drug isn't to be used for weight loss alone?
by Novice (790 points)
0 0
I like that you used multiple sources and facts but I am wondering if you think the claim is true? You say that Ozempic causes weight loss but at what cost?
by Novice (660 points)
0 0
I like how you used many diffrent sources. Ozempic does cause weight loss.
by Novice (630 points)
0 0
These are great sources that offer different point of views. This adds great information to backup your claim.
by Newbie (320 points)
0 0
I liked your use of 3 sources to support your answer and while I see that the answer is that Ozempic isn't recommended for purely weight loss, I would add why it isn't recommended as the original claim is saying it is safe to use.
4 like 1 dislike
by Master (4.2k points)

While it is not proven that Ozempic is unsafe, its purpose is not intended for weight loss. Ozempic was approved by the FDA as semaglutide product that lowers blood sugar. This product is originally intended for diabetics. However, its side effect of weight loss has been trending recently on multiple social media sources according to The New York Times. According to UC Davis Health, "Ozempic is not approved for weight loss. However, semaglutide is approved for weight loss under the name Wegovy. Ozempic has a smaller dose of semaglutide than Wegovy." The FDA verifies that Wegovy is "approved to help adults and children aged 12 years and older with obesity or some adults with excess weight (overweight), who also have weight-related medical problems, to lose weight and keep the weight off, in addition to diet and exercise." So while Ozempic may assist with weight loss, it has not been approved with that purpose in mind. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Based on your rating, would the drug be considered unsafe if used for weight loss?
by Newbie (210 points)
0 0
By incorporating your sources into your answer it made your fact check very strong. If you included a straight answer as to whether you agree or disagree with the claim and go into an explanation why in the beginning it would make your piece easier to follow.
5 like 0 dislike
by Apprentice (1.1k points)

Ozempic can be found as a liquid solution that’s given by injection. It contains the drug semaglutide, which belongs to the GLP1 agonists drug class. It is commonly used to help those with low blood sugar by assisting the pancreas in making more insulin. 

In the last 2-3 years, it has become one of the most talked about medications amongst celebrities and doctors. Cleveland Clinic wrote an article earlier this year answering the questions about the correlation between Ozempic and weight loss, writing, “Providers can (and do) prescribe Ozempic “off-label” for people who are living with obesity. Using a medication off-label means it’s prescribed for a use other than its stated purpose. And it’s really common across the medical field.”  The article mentioned that the FDA says once a medication has been approved, it can be used in other situations.  

Although there are no statements claiming Ozempic to be unsafe for weight loss, the purpose of the drug is not intended for weight loss but for those with obesity who struggle with type-2 diabetes or high blood sugar. 

Cleveland Clinic: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/ozempic-for-weight-loss/ 

by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
I like that you've provided some background on what Ozempic is. How would you rate the claim? False, since the drug isn't meant for weight loss? Is it safe?
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
0 0
I really like your detailed explanation of Ozempic to give some insight into why the drug is used the way it is. In addition, I appreciate the quotes and quality source that you used.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
1 0
I like you clarification and your explanation of what Ozempic is used for, but does this mean it is safe or unsafe for weight loss use? While it may not be its original intention, is that to say it's not safe to use?
by Novice (510 points)
0 0
This fact check is great! I love your usage of analysis and providing background as to why Ozempic is used among people. Only thing I would add is if the fact check is true or not. Having this clarity would make it more clear to the reader to see if the claim is true or not.
by Newbie (210 points)
0 0
I really liked you how you took the time to explain the context and describe what the drug is. I think this fact check very well written! I also think if stated your reaction/opinion to the claim at the very beginning it would be a lot stronger.
3 like 0 dislike
by Journeyman (2.2k points)

This is true. From Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/health/body/ozempic-for-weight-loss/#:~:text=%E2%80%9COverall%2C%20Ozempic%20is%20a%20very,vomiting%2C%20diarrhea%20and%20constipation.%E2%80%9D

“Overall, Ozempic is a very safe medication,” explains Dr. McGowan. “The most common side effects are gastrointestinal in nature: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.” 

"While the majority of people who take Ozempic will most likely experience these symptoms at some point during their treatment, they should subside over time", continues Dr. McGowan.

Ozempic is a FDA approved medication for type 2 diabetes in adults, but it causes lack of appetite which can help in losing weight. "Safe" is a very broad term because it can have a different meaning for everyone. In this case it is not safe for people with pancreatitis, type 1 diabetes, under 18 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding, diabetic retinopathy, problems with the pancreas or kidneys, family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2). Overall, if you don't have any of these conditions, this medication would be considered safe.

    by Innovator (51.8k points)
    0 0
    I wonder how this is safe given the side effects and that it is meant for those with diabetes. Also, do you think one doctor's opinion is enough to make the claim true?
    by Apprentice (1.5k points)
    0 0
    Good job on your fact check. I appreciate that you have used a well-respected source to back up your response, as it makes your readers more eager to trust your conclusion.
    by Newbie (360 points)
    0 0
    This is a well done response to this claim and you chose a great source for this answer. However, towards the end of your answer you mention all of the negative side effects that can cause serious damage, yet you claimed the original claim to be true, meaning Ozempic is safe, why is that?
    by Newbie (290 points)
    0 0
    An interesting way of providing an answer, but straight to the point. Very neat and easy to read, multiple quotes explaining why you say its true. Thank you for the fact check!
    1 like 0 dislike
    by Apprentice (1.3k points)
    This claim is indeed true, but only partially.

    Ozempic is a weekly injection that helps lower blood sugar by helping the pancreas make more insulin. It was approved by the FDA in 2017 and is mainly in use for those who have type 2 diabetes. Ozempic is an active ingredient that does indeed in helping with weightloss. however, it only helps a little bit, the rest comes with the individuals lifestyle changes such as eating right and excercising.

    Another semaglutidy is Wegovy which helps with weightloss a lot more. However both of these are drugs and the body can get used to it, which will result in no effect of the medication in terms of weight or needing a higher dosage.

    Most of this information comes from UC DAVIS:


    Ozempic also makes you feel more full which can cause ones to not want to eat more. That can also help someone from gaining weight.

    by Novice (790 points)
    0 0
    I agree with your comment on partially true, I think it cant be true or false because of the intentions of use for Ozempic. Good use of sources,  I am wondering if you think this fact cannot be true or false? Opinion?
    by Novice (530 points)
    0 0
    I really enjoyed how you explained how ozempic works beyond just weight loss! One thing I think you could do to add more detail is the impact that semaglutide has on long-term metabolism other than that I think you did really good!
    1 like 0 dislike
    by Apprentice (1.3k points)

    Weight loss has been noted as a side effect of Ozempic. While it has not been marked as a harmful side effect, Ozempic is not yet approved for weight loss. It is a diabetes medication, and only until Ozempic is approved by the FDA of being a weight loss medication, can the the claim that Ozempic is safe for weight loss be made. Yet, at the same time, the claim that Ozempic is not safe for weight can also not be made. It is up to the consumer to trust previous users and those who prescribed it to them. That being said, I personally have not read anywhere that Ozempic is not safe for weight loss. Studies have shown that Ozempic is very effective for weight loss. 

    I learned a lot about this topic from an article by Cleveland Clinic:


    Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
    2 like 0 dislike
    by Novice (790 points)

    Given that Ozempic is used to treat type 2 diabetes in adults and not made for the sole reason of weight loss, it is not proven safe for weight loss. According to the article by Forbes Health  adults with type 2 diabetes should use Ozempic for blood sugar control and weight management. Using Ozempic for short term weight loss will lead to adverse effects and the weight loss will eventually be regained. This drug has not been approved by the FDA for weight loss. 

    The article by Health Line  makes a good point when they say people are only taking Ozempic because it has been populated by social media and celebrities. This drug is not for people who are wanting to lose a few pounds, it is used to help people with type 2 diabetes. This becomes a bigger problem because the drug becomes so popular that it could interfere with getting the medication to people who need it the most. 

    At the end of the day, it is not unsafe to take Ozempic but you have to take into consideration why you are taking it and if it is for the right reasons.   


    Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
    by Apprentice (1.2k points)
    0 0
    I really liked your fact check as you used different sources to point out certain points of why Ozempic is potentially not safe.  I agree that the claim made is true, but morally using drugs for your weight loss is damaging people who actually need it, such as people with diabetes.
    1 like 1 dislike
    by Champion (14.5k points)

    This claim is misleading. According to Forbes, "Although not officially a weight loss drug, research suggests that people who take Ozempic may lose modest amounts of weight while on the medication. This does not mean that it is safe for use. Wegovy and Ozempic have the same active ingredient semaglutide. However, Wegovy contains higher doses of it and is designed for weightloss. 

    Exaggerated/ Misleading
    by Journeyman (2.2k points)
    0 0
    What is Wegovy? Can you expand a little more? How did people figure out that Ozempic can cause weightloss? Maybe include more sources to make your fact-check more reliable.
    ago by Newbie (310 points)
    0 0
    I think your comment is going in the right direction, however I think there needs to be more information. To start, you should define what Wegovy is and how it relates to Ozempic. You should also discuss the importance of medical supervision and individualized treatment plans when using these medications. You mention that Ozempic is not safe for use in weight loss, but this statement needs more context. While all medications carry risks, Ozempic has been studied extensively and is considered safe when used as prescribed under medical supervision.

    Community Rules

    • Be respectful
    • Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
    • Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
    • Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
    • Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
    • Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
    • Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.