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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
Senator Chuck Schumer is an Israeli citizen.

3 Answers

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by Master (4.2k points)
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Best answer

This statement is false. While Chuck Schumer is one of the few Jewish senators, he is not an Israeli citizen. The Polifact website describes how claims like these are often anti-semetic claims to try to discredit Jewish office holders. ""He’s not a dual citizen," Schumer spokesperson Alex Nguyen told PolitiFact. " Additionally, I researched the requirements to become an Israeli citizen and Schumer would have to have permanent residence in Israel or marry an Israeli citizen. According to Schumer's campaign website he was born and raised in New York and currently resides in Brooklyn, New York, not Israel. His wife, Iris Weinshall was also born in Brooklyn, New York and has held several government positions according to Naija News

by Journeyman (2.7k points)
1 0
Good working on finding the requirements of Israeli citizenship, then explaining why Schumer does not meet them. That makes a very strong case that this claim is false.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
1 0
Nice work finding multiple sources, including Schumer's campaign website. You've put together a very thorough fact-check!
by Journeyman (2.2k points)
1 0
You did a great job providing evidence through your sources and using explanations to back up the evidence.
by Apprentice (1.9k points)
0 0
Good job providing evidence on why this claim is false. I especially like how you dived into how someone would become an Israeli citizen. This makes your fact-check more credible. I think an extra piece of info that could be useful to your fact check is his family history. I found that his ancestors were from Chortkiv, Galicia, western Ukraine; not Israel.

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by Journeyman (2.7k points)

This is false. 

In a statement to PolitiFact, Alex Nguyen, Schumer's spokesperson, simply said that Schumer is "not a dual citizen."


In 2019, PolitiFact found that a list of representatives alleged to have dual American-Israeli citizenship was false, as nobody on the list had dual citizenship. Schumer was on the list. They went on to explain that "None of the current members listed were born in Israel, so they wouldn’t be naturalized Israeli citizens."


by Journeyman (2.1k points)
0 0
You did a great job keeping this fact-check simple but providing enough information to solidify that the claim is false. I think it is important that you not only used Schumer's spokesperson as a source but didn't just take their word for it and followed the statement up with research regarding how individuals become Israeli citizens.
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by Newbie (230 points)
This is false. Thank G-d it is false!

Mr. Schumer is not publicly a dual citizen[1]. Although there is no requirement for divulging these associations within the government of the United States, fortunately. If he were an Israeli dual-citizen that would clearly be a conflict of interest. It's obvious to anyone inattentive that Chuck Schumer has always had others' best interests in mind, like most with Jewish influence in the world. There is no evidence Mr. Schumer has a formal allegiance or ties to Israel aside from his name[2]. He has always been an upstanding public servant of the American citizenry first and foremost. He has never served in the Israeli government, after all.

Chuck Schumer is just a regular senator and like most senators is an overt Jewish supremacist--the very definition of an elite bearer of light unto the nations. Personally, I am grateful to have his light shining on America, while it lasts (America, that is).

To suggest Mr. Schumer is a dual citizen or has a conflict of interest is antisemetic and of course a conspiracy theory that clearly cannot be true because the words 'antisemetic' and 'conspiracy theory' were employed to shut down any further discussion (both overloaded and meaningless accusations to a keen observer).

Further inquiries are generally punishable by covert means including censorship, deceit, gaslighting, acknowledged and unacknowledged democide as well as a plethora of other necessary "religious and cultural practices" Jewish supremacists have employed and continue to employ around the world throughout history.

- [1] https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/oct/27/viral-image/no-sen-chuck-schumer-isnt-an-israeli-citizen/
- [2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qh8rpFTVBuM
by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Why "thank God" it's false?

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