+25 votes
in General Factchecking by Journeyman (3.4k points)
A Cabinet meeting on Monday took the decision to ban the social media app.
by Novice (740 points)
This is a true statement. Acorreding to CNN on November 14, 2023, “Considering how TikTok is disrupting our social harmony, and the impact it’s having on our family and social structures, the cabinet has decided to ban TikTok for the moment,” Rekha Sharma, Nepal’s minister of communication and information technology, told a press conference on Monday."
by Novice (920 points)
After further research, I have found that this claim is true. Nepal did decide to ban TikTok. According to CNN, Minister Rekha Sharma of Nepal, states the cabinet's ultimate justification for banning the app was due to “‘how TikTok is disrupting our social harmony, and the impact it’s having on our family and social structures.’” The New York Times reported that the cabinet found TikTok to spread ‘toxic content’ filled with religious hate and violence. For instance, the “virtual attacks on TikTok between Hindus, Muslims, and some Indigenous communities over the slaughter of cows, which are seen as sacred among a large number of Hindus.” For these reasons, the cabinet had decided to ban the app altogether.

by Apprentice (1.3k points)
In the first comment, I believe certain information is missing. I think you cited an important quote regarding the topic. But you don't provide a link to the source for people to actually check your work. I think it would be important to mention the reasons why Nepal is banning TikTok. Specifically, in the article below, it points out that the Nepal government believes the app must open an office first. "He said that to make social media platforms accountable, the government has asked the companies to register and open a liaison office in Nepal, pay taxes and abide by the country's laws and regulations." Speaking about comments made from Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud. I think it would be important to mention this.

by Newbie (280 points)
According to CNN, this is a true statement. CNN, a reliable source reported that Nepal has banned the app TikTok for disrupting social harmony. The article contains quotes about the banning of the app by Nepal’s minister of communication and information technology. The article continues to go more in-depth about the use of TikTok in other countries and the restrictions placed in the US. Overall, this statement seems to be true.


23 Answers

+1 vote
by Novice (750 points)

This article is true and according to NPR when I looked up a key search like "Nepal Banned TikTok" it goes into more detail about what happened. Nepal felt like they needed to ban TikTok because it was "disrupting social harmony." Nepal did not like how TikTok was affecting the people using the app and thought it would be better If the app were just banned. This article is true.


+1 vote
by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim is true. In November 2023, Nepal decided to ban TikTok immediately, saying that is was "disrupting" social harmony. Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud said, "The government has decided to ban TikTok as it was necessary to regulate the use of the social media platform that was disrupting social harmony, goodwill and flow of indecent materials." According to authorities, he ban comes in response to public claims that TikTok encourages hate speech

+1 vote
by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim is true. In November 2023, Nepal decided to ban TikTok immediately, saying that is was "disrupting" social harmony. Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud said, "The government has decided to ban TikTok as it was necessary to regulate the use of the social media platform that was disrupting social harmony, goodwill and flow of indecent materials." According to authorities, he ban comes in response to public claims that TikTok allows hate speech


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