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in General Factchecking by Master (4.5k points)

Found this on Reddit: 

This is a dumb question, I know but please bear with me. So I was obsessed with this fountain that was a big tube of water with a bunch of Barbie shoes bubbling around in it at a toy store and I swear it was in the FAO Schwarz on Michigan Ave back in the day, but my sister says she doesn’t remember it at all. Also, I’ve been to the one in NYC and she hadn’t. So am I just remembering incorrectly and was it in the one in New York? Or can I prove a younger sibling wrong per usual?

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)

Yes, you are remembering correctly! Fao Schwarz is a huge toy store chain in America. The store you are referring to is in Chicago. I can't find any recent photos of the inside of the store so I'm not sure if this pillar filled with water and Barbie shoes still exists in the store but there are multiple pictures you can find online of them inside the store. The shoe tube/fountain you are referring to was made in the store because it was an iconic piece of Barbie merch in the 2000s. I'm linking below some photos of the shoe tube in the store as well as the Barbie-sized shoe tube/fountain from the early 2000s. 





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