+18 votes
in General Factchecking by Genius (43.4k points)
Taylor Swift held up a 'Trump Won, Democrats Cheated' flag at 2024 Grammy Awards.
by Novice (550 points)
This video was edited and Taylor Swift is not holding a sign that says "Trump Won, Democrats Cheated" flag at the Grammy's Award show. Even the linked media says on the bottom addressed by the site: Manipulated Media: Stay informed. Even the person who posted the video is an unreliable source making content that is "unserious" and unfactual. This favt checking site supports this evidence: https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/truth-or-fake/20240206-taylor-swift-did-not-endorse-former-president-donald-trump-during-the-grammy-awards

38 Answers

+1 vote
by Novice (810 points)

The claim that Taylor Swift held up a 'Trump Won, Democrats Cheated' flag at the 2024 Grammy Awards is false. The source of this claim comes from an X, formerly known as Twitter, user. This user's bio states that its content includes parody, making it clear that its intentions are for satire. X has also flagged this accounts post for manipulated media. Additionally, in the top right corner of this manipulated video, there is a Variety watermark. This indication allowed me to trace the original video to Varietys' official and verified X account. From this, I found that the original video was published on February 4th, 2024. This original video shows that Taylor Swift's arms are to her side and on her hips, not holding up the 'Trump Won, Democrats Cheated' flag. Along with this, the official YouTube account for the Grammys posted an extended video of Swift walking the red carpet at this event. This video also showcases that there is no sight of the Trump flag, further proving that this claim is the result of manipulated media and is false.  



+1 vote
by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim is false. Taylor Swift did attend the Grammys, but she did not hold up this flag. This video is edited. In fact, she has not spoken on the upcoming election. It appeared to have first been posted from a pro Trump account on X. With various videos shared on X having over 10 million views, some had community notes identifying the videos being edited. A representative for X said, “The team was made aware of this AI-generated video and we took action on almost 100 posts on February 4, 2024, under our Synthetic and Manipulated Media policy. We’re actively monitoring and when posts are found they will also be labeled as manipulated media.” 

+1 vote
by Novice (630 points)

This claim is false. I did a reverse image search and found a Forbes article that said it was manipulated content. This article is linked to the original video that Variety published. This original video does not have her holding a Trump flag. In the linked post, X (formally Twitter) has this content flagged as manipulated. The account also states that its content covers a little bit of parody. 

Sources: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2024/02/05/viral-video-of-taylor-swift-endorsing-donald-trump-is-completely-fake/?sh=2aeb14344a3a


+1 vote
by Novice (800 points)

This claim has been proved false. This claim was spread across twitter via a video that has clearly been altered. The video was created by a Donald Trump fan page with the username PapiTrumpo, whose bio indicated they post parody content. The original video can be seen across a variety of verified platforms including Vanity Fair, where you can see that she is not holding the flag.



0 votes
by Newbie (380 points)

Upon first viewing the video, it is evident that it has been edited. Considering that she is moving her body, it is unlikely that "her" fingers on the flag are perfectly motionless. Additionally, the flag remains in place in the video even when Taylor Swift moves her body slightly—as if it were made of rigid cardboard. But the sign's waves suggest that it's probably made of fabric, like a flag. The Twitter account that uploaded the video deserves our attention as well. The nickname, PapiTrumpo, and the profile image, which features Donald Trump, suggest that the person is probably a devotee of the politician. It's also evident from their bio that they enjoy posting parodies.


+1 vote
by Novice (890 points)
The claim and post are false. The original Tweet has even been flagged as "manipulated media" by X. The account that posted this claim is known for posting manipulated media and has been flagged for it multiple times by X. The original video is from Taylor Swift walking the Grammy runway and the flag is edited on. You can see her "fingers" holding the flag moving abnormally compared to the rest of her body movement.
+1 vote
by Novice (690 points)

This is false. Not only has Taylor held mostly democrat positions in the past few years, voting for democrat politicians, and supporting mostly democrat positions. The video is AI generated, you can tell by looking at her hands. They don't move in a natural human way where we move a but even when we are still. Taylor's original outfit for the 2024 Grammy's are seen here, where Taylor is seen wearing gloves, but in the video the gloves are gone. This X account however, is a parody account and shouldn't be trusted, however, this video went viral so most people probably didn't know about this account and how they post satire content like this. 

+1 vote
by Novice (660 points)
This is false. Taylor Swift wasn't holding a sign of any kind at the Grammys. All videos showing her holding anything are altered and the original post has been taken down because of it. Here are some sources that show her real red carpet appearance.





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