29 Answers

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by Champion (14.6k points)
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This claim is false. The source, Mouse Trap News is known for reporting false information. On the About page, it states, "Mouse Trap News was created on a whim to have some fun and write stories about Disney we wish were true. Some Disney sites write deceptive stories for clicks. We write 100% made-up parody and satire stories for your enjoyment." They describe themselves as the "world's best satire and parody site." On September 10, 2023, planDisney answered the question, "What is the drinking age in the park?," to which they said, "Across the United States, the legal age to order or consume alcohol is 21, and this holds true everywhere on Walt Disney World property." The Walt Disney World website states, "Alcoholic beverages can be purchased at Walt Disney World Resort by all Guests 21 years of age or older. Any Guest who wishes to purchase an alcoholic beverage at Walt Disney World Resort must present one of the following valid forms of identification:

  • U.S. state driver’s license (includes U.S. territories*)
  • U.S. state ID (includes U.S. territories*)
  • U.S. military ID
  • Original passport
  • Copy of passport (either on paper or captured on a mobile device), along with a government-issued photo ID** that can verify the person and birth date shown on the copy
  • NEXUS card issued by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (Canadian Guests only)
There has been no update from Walt Disney World representatives that discuss lowering the drinking age.
2 like 6 dislike
by Novice (640 points)
The main claim of this TikTok is that Disney Land is removing the drinking age in their parks. I immedietly don't believe this claim partially because it is from a TikTok but also because this is just something that would never happen. The Pensecola News Journal posted a story on this saying this claim is false. This claim originated from the Moustrapnews.com website, which posts satire news stories about Disney Land.

by Novice (800 points)
0 0
If you’re gonna talk about how it is false then label it as false. You are also providing misinformation when labeling it as false
by Novice (740 points)
0 0
I don't understand why you have tagged it as true, but you claim this is false
by Novice (900 points)
0 0
You used great sources to prove your points about it being false. Giving insight to why the original source is not credible is also a great touch. The false thing does throw me off though
by Novice (700 points)
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I thought this was a good fact check that Disney really couldn't have broken the law.
by Newbie (490 points)
0 0
I agree that there is an instant hesitation to believe this claim because it is from tik tok which is not a credible source. Ur was good that you found the source of the statement coming from a satire account, that clears up the intention of the claim.
17 like 0 dislike
by Novice (790 points)

This claim is false. First of all mouse trap news is a site that posts satire videos and is not a real news site. On their website they claim that every story they post is fake. This story has also been debunked by Plan Disney, Disney's direct source for resort vacation planning. They affirmed that the legal drinking age is still 21 including at the resort. The resort has a policy (still put into place) that all visitors under 21 cannot drink and you have to provide proper identification if you want to drink. 




by Novice (690 points)
0 0
Great fact-check! I like that you incorporated the policy in your response and cleared up the misinformation in this claim. I like that you found information that was true and relevant to the claim.
by Novice (610 points)
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This answer does a good job of breaking down the facts without getting opinions in the way. It has good facts with the sources to back them up
by Novice (810 points)
0 0
This was a great fact-check. You did a good job at finding information from the source that made this claim and provided resources that help viewers retrace your fact-checking steps. I liked how you included the information on how Plan Disney has debunked this claim.
by Novice (800 points)
0 0
This is good fact check. You found lots of information and went back and tracked the source.
by Novice (740 points)
0 0
Great job on adding where you got your information from.
5 like 0 dislike
by Novice (690 points)

This claim is false. The source originates here , however this news website is fake and not trustworthy news. The Tik Tok video is basically an audio explanation of the news article, so both are fake. It is also worthy to note, that this source came from Tik Tok, which is not a trustworthy news site because anyone can post anything, so take anything from that site with a grain of salt, and do your own research. I found this news article explaining the situation to be very helpful. 

by Journeyman (2.2k points)
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The sources that you have found for this fact check are pretty good yet to further your fact check I recommend explaining why these sources are reliable such as including examples you found in these sources that deemed this claim was false.
by Novice (810 points)
0 0
This was a good fact-check. It was well organized and I liked how you embedded your sources. I would suggest giving context to why the original source isn't trustworthy to give readers a better understanding of who published this claim.
by Novice (900 points)
0 0
Solid fact checking. Gets straight to the point and the information you provide adequately addresses why. Like others have said the main piece of advice I'd give is to giving more context behind sources.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Rather than saying "I found this news article....," it would be best to cite the actual news source within the sentence and mention the information that is relevant to your fact-check. It'll make for a much stronger fact-check. Thanks!
5 like 0 dislike
by Novice (740 points)
The claim that Disneyland is is removing the drinking age in its parks are false. The original source, Mousetrap News, explicitly states in their bio that their content is 100% fake. Pensacola News Journal debunked the claim, putting to rest the fake news. This claim is misleading and false.
by Novice (570 points)
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Good job including where the claim came from. Next time discuss more about the article you are using as evidence to show that it is a reliable source.
by Novice (550 points)
0 0
This is a good and concise fact-check! I liked that you used multiple sources, although I recommend that you include the links or at least the title of the articles you're referencing in the fact-check. Stating the news journal doesn't provide enough information on the source.
by Novice (800 points)
0 0
I appreciate how concise and straightforward this factcheck, but I think it would be significantly strengthened with the inclusion of sources with more validity. I would also recommend citing the link of where you found your information instead of just stating them as a source.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Don't forget to add URLs to your sources. Thanks!
3 like 0 dislike
by Novice (980 points)
This assertion is untrue. To begin with, mousetrap news is a parody website, not a legitimate news source. They assert on their website that each story they publish is fictitious. Plan Disney, Disney's official resource for booking resort vacations, has also refuted this tale. They confirmed that, even at the resort, the legal drinking age is still 21. All guests under the age of 21 are prohibited from drinking at the resort, and those who wish to do so must present valid identification. This policy is still in effect.

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

This claim is false. Automatically I do not believe this claim because the drink age law is not something where businesses have the choice to abide by or not. The resorts has a policy that all visitors under 21 cannot drink and you have to provide proper form identification if you want to. Additionally Mousetrap News states in their bio that their content is completely false and made up. 

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by Apprentice (1.3k points)
This claim is false. The information that was received and linked to is from TikTok. TikTok is not a reliable news source since anyone and everyone can create an account and post whatever they want to, which makes it very unreliable. Due to Disney being a family company catering towards children, it is highly unlikely that they would remove the drinking age at Disney world. With the legal age of drinking being 21, it also doesn't make sense that they would have the legal authority to change it. With further research, Disney supports and stands by the legal drinking age and states it clearly on PlanDisney.


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by Novice (920 points)

This claim is false. Disney World did not remove the drinking age in their parks. In fact, on plan Disney, Disney's website for planning trips and frequently asked questions, states that "Across the United States, the legal age to order or consume alcohol is 21, and this holds true everywhere on Walt Disney World property." Therefore, Disney World debunked this claim. Yahoo Entertainment also found this claim to be false. This claim came from Moustrap Newson TikTok, who posted about the drinking age being lifted in the parks. However, this user did not share any evidence as to why they believed this claim was true. Mousetrap News is also known to be a parody website. I typically take everything I see with a grain of salt on TikTok, as many users only post content that they know will generate likes, regardless of whether or not its true, false, or misleading. 

by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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This is a well-explained fact-check! However, going forward, I would suggest adding links to the sources you use and using less personal opinions. Adding links allows the reader to do further research themselves if they wish. Adding personal opinion can make you less credible because people are looking for facts rather than opinions in fact-checks.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Nice work on your fact-check. Adding source links is all that is missing. Thanks!
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by Journeyman (2.2k points)

The claim of “Disney World removing the drinking age in parks” is a false statement created by the satirical news page Mouse Trap News. Mouse Trap News states on its website that “anything you read here is not true, real, or accurate, but it is fun — We write 100% made-up parody and satire stories for your enjoyment.” To add to this false claim, the Plan Disney website (designated to help families plan their trips to Disney Parks)  states that the drinking age across the United States is 21, which also applies to all of the Walt Disney parks within The U.S which proves that this claim is false. 




by Novice (800 points)
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I like that in your fact check, you discredit the source. You utilize their own words to discredit their information, and depict them as a paradoy site. Furthermore, you provide accurate  information that proves the claim wrong.
by Novice (730 points)
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I appreciate how you undermine the source in your fact check. You use their own statements to cast doubt on their claims and paint them as a parody website. Moreover, you present precise data that refutes the assertion.
by Novice (950 points)
0 0
I really like how you made it clear that the source is not true and that you gave a very easy to read and understand reason why it is not correct.

Community Rules

• Be respectful
• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
• Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
• Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
• Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
• Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.