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in General Factchecking by Novice (970 points)
by Newbie (480 points)
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This claim turns out to be false. If you go on the user who had posted the supposed video he had posted multiple others. To follow that the bio at the top of their X account also says "Dedicated to the satire" and "purely for laughs." Leading me to say that this claim is completely false.

3 Answers

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by Novice (750 points)
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This claim is false. A user on X with the same username (@LyricVault) posted the same video. When looking at their account, their bio says, "Dedicated to satire — nothing posted here represents actual facts or news. Purely for laughs,". In addition to the bio claiming to only post satirical content, there was a note under the post from X stating, "Noah Schnapp was not struck by lightning. While the account posting posts satirical content, To people who do not open the accounts page or know that, it can be misleading,". Through all of the information I have found, this post is false and may even be misleading to those who are unaware this page posts satire and funny content. 

by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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This is a really good fact check. Highlighting the bio of the account is very important because not a lot of people go and look at that when reading something at first glance. Reading the comments under the post also can be helpful to figure out it is true or not. Overall this is very good and highlights how this is misleading/false claim.
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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Thank you for the fact check! This could have easily been misleading since the main source was from a social media account. Most people would not click on the profile to see what the account is actually used for. I appreciated how you took the time to research and explain what the account is actually for, which is satire content. Very nicely worded and explained.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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This is a very helpful fact check as it clarifies that the account is satirical, allowing us to understand that it is not meant to harm/mislead it's viewers. In this political landscape, understanding the differences between satire and misinformation is crucial.
by Novice (780 points)
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Of course, this claim is false, this would be front-page news if it actually happened.  It is also important to note that the claim came from a satire account.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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This is a great fact check. Within your fact check you went "upstream" to find who created the content and did some extra research to find that it was satirical. Great job on finding the creator of the source and doing extra research.
by Newbie (480 points)
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This is a really good fact-check. You were very educated on this topic and it was helpful and clarify why this was false.
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by Novice (550 points)

The claim that Noah Schnapp was struck by lightening is false and is meant to be satire. The original post comes from a user on X, @LyricVault https://twitter.com/LyricVault/status/1740779012073681344?lang=en, which is an account dedicated to posting satire videos for the purpose of entertainment. Their bio for the account makes a disclaimer that none of the stories posted on the account are actual news. The original post on X was flagged with text underneath stating, "Noah Schnapp was not struck by lightning. While the account posting posts satirical content, To people who do not open the accounts page or know that, it can be misleading. " There is no further information that proves the claim to be true, so it is false.

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by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim is false. The claim originated in Dec. 2023 from LyricVault on X, with a video of someone being struck by lightening, having over 32 million videos. The account's X bio confirms that this story is satirical and untrue, saying, "Dedicated to satire — nothing posted here represents actual facts or news. Purely for laughs." Additionally, a warning under the postvsays, "Noah Schnapp was not struck by lightening. While the account posting satirical content, To people who do not open the accounts page or know that, it can be misleading."


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