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in General Factchecking by Novice (870 points)


Here is a link to a video of Donald Trump at one of his campaign rallies saying if he isn't reelected, it will be a bloodbath.

1 Answer

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This Fact Checks claim is that: Donald Trump said if he doesn't win the election it is going to be a “bloodbath for the country” 

The source used for this claim is a video posted on “Kamila HQ” X account of Donald Trump making a speech in Dayton Ohio. In this video of his speech he is shown saying, “Now if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole, that's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the whole country, that'll be the least of it.” Now although slightly different wording in the claim. The video does prove Donald Trump said the content in this statement. 


After further research of this topic and similar sources. This video was recorded of former President Donald J. Trump at one of his rallys in Dayton Ohio on March 16th, 2024. Many other reliable sources prove this claim to be true by also posting live footage of the former president stating these exact words. As well as analyzing and quoting his statement within their articles. I think it is also important to note the definition of bloodbath being an event or situation where a lot of people are killed in a violent manner. (Oxford).



These and many other reliable sources prove the fact checks claim to be true. Former President Donald J. Trump did state the words in this claim.

ago by Newbie (220 points)
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This is a very well-laid-out fact check as it gives us as readers a quick and easy way to see your analysis of the regional claim backed up with alternative sources that show us that this claim is real and true. You also provide us with a transcript of Trump's claim that all but sums up that he actually made this claim at one of his rallies. Including the sources also enables us to check it out ourselves and dive deeper into this claim if we feel necessary. Overall this is a very useful factcheck

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