+1 vote
in General Factchecking by Genius (43.4k points)
Texas has registered nearly 2 million new voters in the last three months who don't have a driver's license.

2 Answers

0 votes
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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Best answer

This video is unavailable. The application to register to vote in Texas allows a person to write in their SSN if they do not have a driver's license. 

 Here is the link to the application: https://vrapp.sos.state.tx.us/index.asp 

I was unable to find any information supporting the claim that 2 million new voters have registered in the last three months without a driver's license. Since the video was removed, and there is no evidence of this claim, it is likely to be false. 

0 votes
by (140 points)
Based on the website of Texas Secretary of State, Jane Nelson, which her assistant wrote. They claim that as of Jan. 1, there have been 57 thousand new voter registrations and then list that over the past three years that is less than each year before, but we are still in the first half of the year. The website then says that the 1.2 million metrics come from the number of people who were asked to verify their SSN to ensure their voter standing, but the site also says this number is incorrect and they say they are actively trying to find where the discrepancy is coming from.
Exaggerated/ Misleading

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