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in General Factchecking by Genius (43.7k points)
Kamala Harris won the Sept. 10 debate against Donald Trump.

1 Answer

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by Master (5.5k points) 1 flag
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Best answer
It depends on who you speak to or how you gauge the debate outcome, but overall, according to legitimate media outlets like Al Jazeera, Harris won the debate. Al Jazeera reported: "In the hours following Kamala Harris and Donald Trump’s first, and possibly last, in-person face-off, political commentators and unofficial polls seemed to largely crown her the winner of the night. A CNN poll revealed that debate watchers declared Harris a winner by a comfortable 63-37 margin. A YouGov poll had Harris winning by 43-28 among registered voters. Even pundits at Fox News, the conservative TV network, agreed she bested Trump."


by (160 points)
0 0
I like that you used two credible sources. And you even referenced Fox News and stated that they also said Harris beat Trump, however I wish you would've linked where you found that information.
by (140 points)
0 0
I was very skeptical originally seeing that this claim was confirmed, being that winning a presidential debate is very subjective. However, the use of both non-bias sources as well as a considered right-skewed source verifies the claim. I think it would be beneficial if you included the bias ratings of each source used.

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