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in General Factchecking by (160 points)
The notorious brothers are now being housed in the same unit in a California jail after being apart for almost 30 years. The brothers had killed their parents together in 1989 and the case made national news then, and has resurfaced after a recent documentary on Netflix.
ago by (160 points)
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You used the news outlet "People" which I find to be extremely similar to TMZ in the way that they promote false stories for clicks. Did you fact check this? Find out where they got their story? I also didn't see any statistics, what day did they reunite?

5 Answers

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by (160 points)
by (160 points)
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HI, I like how your response states exactly what year the brothers were brought back together. I also like that your source has a lot of information, not just on when the brothers were reunited but on how the brothers felt after seeing each other after decades of separation.
ago by (140 points)
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I am glad that you found a source to back this up however, I am afraid a magazine is not quite a primary source. I would take this fact check a step further to verify this is not misinformation.
ago by (140 points)
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Hi! Although your source does backup the claim, I feel that U.S. Magazine is very similar to People- their specialty lies in the coverage of pop-culture and celebrity drama. Maybe find another source that states the exact date they were reunited and not just the year, and this article talked a lot about the new Netflix series, so I don't know if this was the best link to provide for the fact check. I do believe the claim is still true, though.
ago by (100 points)
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Hello! The article used does backup the claim, but there were many quotes that were used without credit given to where the quotes came from. Many of these quotes come from the Menedez Brothers documentary from the brothers themselves, as another article gives credit.
ago by (140 points)
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I like that you stated the date of when the brothers reunited. However, I think the use of multiple sources would've helped make this claim seem more credible, than just the use of US magazine which isn't the best source by itself. If you were to only stick to US Magazine I think it would've been beneficial to state where they received their information from too.
ago by (140 points)
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Hi! The article definitely backs the claim and seems to have first-hand accounts of the events. However, the US Magazine is not a reputable source. The big issue with this is that both US Magazine and People magazine are both pop-culture based rather than informative journals. There's a lack of sourcing for information.
ago by (140 points)
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Hi! I love that your source backs up your claim. Although I would reconsider the US Magazine article and look for something more reputable next time. Sources such as New York Times may be a better fit for your next answer!
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by (180 points)

This statement is true. The Menendez brothers are back in the same facility after 22 years. Erik Menendez was transferred and taken to Folsom State Prison in Folsom, California, while Lyle was transferred to Mule Creek State Prison. I found this information from the link included below.


by (180 points)
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Hi, I like your response and agree that this is true but I think looking and fact-checking where the information was coming from on the other websites and showing that in your comment would make this more concrete!
by (140 points)
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Hey, I think this is a great fact to include. However, the article's perspective is on how they reunited and not which prisons they were in before reuniting.  Along with that, make sure you are looking into your websites, the one linked gave no information. Fact-checking resources is key!
ago by (160 points)
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This article cites no credible sources. It is hard to get accurate information from inside prison, as you can imagine.
ago by (140 points)
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I agree that the statement is true but I feel that the source could have been from a more reliable source. When I clicked on the website it lead me to an error. I did like the information that you put into your answer and how you worded it!
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by (180 points)

Hey I also found this to be true, they spent over 20 years seperated from each other after being convicted of killing their abusive parents. Do you think they deserve justice?


by (140 points)
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Hi! I found this to be true that Erik and Lyle are now back together but the years of separation are not lining up with each answer. Some answers are claiming it was 30 years of separation while others are saying it was 20 years. I'm curious if you think ABC news is a reliable source for this topic.
by (160 points)
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I think that the brothers for sure deserve justice now. They still committed a crime, however, given the circumstances around the murders, I think they were sentenced harshly and deserve justice now. If we look at a case like Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who orchestrated the killing of her mother, she only served around 10 years in prison. While the situations were different I think the brother's sentence was harsh and I hope the courts decide to re-evaluate the case.
by (140 points)
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Hey, I agree with you. I like how mentioned their separation and yeah they do deserve justice. Under the circumstances of why they murdered their parents is another valid point from their investigation. Even though killing them was wrong, they were treated unfairly at young ages by their dad and their mom had her issues and didn't provide them with the care they needed for the situation.
by (160 points)
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I do believe that the brothers deserve justice now, as this is such a difficult topic to even begin to think about. When does abuse become so bad that killing is justified? Thats the question that most likely will never have an answer. I enjoy the source you provided because it gives some insight on what their relationship was like before they were reunited and what that looked like on the inside.
ago by (140 points)
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Hi, I also believe this claim to be true, and the link you provided was a great source of reliable information. The brothers definitely deserve justice, but with the case being so long ago, it would be really hard to go about it. I don't even know what evidence or new information they would use if they reopened their case. I've also read from multiple sources that both Erik and Lyle have been positive lights in prison, leading self help groups and classes.
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by (140 points)

After reading the article and looking into the sources I believe this to be true! People's article gave valid evidence of interviews and their previous articles to update us readers on the separation between the Menendez Brothers. When fact-checking I looked into the source of ABC news since People quoted them. The quote is, "They can and do interact with each other, all the inmates in that facility,” corrections department spokeswoman Terry Thornton told ABC News on Thursday, adding that she didn’t know how the brothers reacted during their reunion. According to their cited ABC News source written by Emily ShapiroMuriel Pearson, and Lauren Effron, "But once the guard opened the door and Lyle saw his brother, both Lyle, and Erik "burst into tears immediately," Rand said". This goes to explain the level of emotions both brothers felt when finally reuniting, which helps us understand how they spent decades apart. 

The link to the ABC News Article: Menendez brothers burst into tears during emotional prison reunion after decades apart - ABC News (go.com)

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ago by (140 points)

I was skeptical about this statement but I proved it to be true. I was only skeptical since the source was linked to People Magazine, which mainly focuses on pop-culture and other drama in the world. I found a news article from CNN stating that Lyle Menendez was transferred to the same correctional facility as Erik Menendez in San Diego on February 22, 2018. 


Here's also an additional source with more information from Today news:


ago by (180 points)
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The source you use being CNN is credible and the information you found is accurate. It's always good to verify details with reliable sources to ensure the information is trustworthy.

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