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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
Hamas offered to return all hostages if Israel didn't enter Gaza, but Benjamin Netanyahu declined.
by Newbie (270 points)
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It would have been helpful if you added some information from the source or even add multiple sources. This claim also comes from twitter which isn't too reliable of a source

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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Best answer

Despite this claim coming from a social media post, it has been reported by multiple reputable sources. The Times of Israel reported that there was "no doubt" that Netanyahu prevented hostages from being brought home in the early days of the war (October) (The Times of Israel). However, a more recent article from the same news team claims that the hostage-truce deal negotiated in November collapsed because Hamas falsely claimed that the hostages were already shot (The Times of Israel). This article still maintains that Netanyahu is continuing to "torpedo" hostage deals, and repeatedly refused to negotiate. American news organizations have also backed this up, with CNN who confirmed Netanyahu's refusal of what could have been the return of remaining hostages, even quoting a former hostage who plead with Netanyahu, "if you continue the way you do, the destruction of Hamas, there won't be any hostages to release" (CNN). The Guardian added that that the deal, which allegedly included releasing women, children and the elderly, was followed by the launch of a ground offensive (Guardian). In general, this seems to be a true statement, although Hamas' activities are not as documented.

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by Novice (620 points)
Netanyahu did reject an agreement that would allow for the hostages to be returned in exchange for Israel abandoning their invasion. He has made it abundantly clear he is out for "absolute victory". It's worth noting the deal also stipulated that Palestinian prisoners would also be returned in the process but this is still true.


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