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in General Factchecking by Newbie (390 points) 1 flag
People who are single are happier because they are living their most authentic lives without having to worry about someone else.
by Newbie (330 points)
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This is more of a preference rather than a fact. Everyone can have different styles and opinions, so there isn’t a way to tell if people are happier single unless everyone single feels the same way.
ago by (140 points)
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This claim is mostly rooted in biased opinion. The BuzzFeed article uses Shani Silver as an example for someone who realized they could be happy and single at the same time. It is true, you can be happy while you're single but it's all about personal preference. I found an article by Psychology Today that gave multiple different examples on how to be happy while single, which I think could be helpful for people who feel like they need a partner to live happily. I would say this claim is misleading. It should be encouraged that people learn to be single and happy, but if someone thought a partner would make them happy, that's their decision to make.
Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-angry-therapist/202402/how-to-be-happy-being-single?msockid=0db5e7c7e9996eee0cb5f2c5e8236fcc
ago by (100 points)
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While I can see how someone may believe that this claim is true, it's important to remember that everything in our lives is based off of lived experience, and from my perspective it seems like this person may have been in a relationship with someone who they were unable to be their authentic self with, and maybe that is the reason they're making this claim. There is also no research to back up this claim. There was never any statistics for this or any reputible sources that I could find.
ago by (100 points)
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I don't agree. I think that single people may believe that they are happier and believe that they are living a more authentic life, except for most single people, they haven't experienced a real relationship before. An individual may feel more "free" or "independent" being single, but coming from experience, once you have found the right person to be in an romantic relationship with, you start to feel something different. I wouldn't disagree that single people are happy, they do have freedom and essentially less responsibility. However, I believe that being in a relationship and having someone that you can share everything with and be your true self around, brings someone a different kind of happiness. In many ways, a better happiness.
ago by (100 points)
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In my opinion, this is a claim that you can't really "fact-check". While yes, you can claim that being single can lead to being happier, you can do the same for people who are in a relationship/not single. While the article does explain that in today's modern era, being single leads to "greater happiness", is still suggestive. No matter how many people you interview and how many people claim to be happier single, you can and will still find people who are happier not being single. Happiness is suggestive from person to person, one study with a handful of happy single people is nowhere near enough to make this a proper claim. It's like if I were to ask 10 UO students if they all like pizza, and they said yes. Then I went onto make a claim stating, "the students at the University of Oregon all like pizza". When in reality that is farthest from the truth.

142 Answers

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ago by Newbie (330 points)

The article suggests that being single today makes people happier and more satisfied with daily life. However, the claim that "single people are happier" is broad and varies from person to person. The article highlights challenges in dating and the growing number of unmarried individuals but does not provide strong evidence to support its argument. While it mentions changes in dating due to social norms and online platforms, it does not convincingly back up its claims with reliable data. The divorce rate statistics included are not enough to prove the point, making the argument feel subjective and lacking solid support.

Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/nearly-half-of-u-s-adults-say-dating-has-gotten-harder-for-most-people-in-the-last-10-years/ 

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This claim is completely subjective. Everyone has different personalities and preferences, it is impossible to fit them into a yes or no category on this. Romantic relationships are not the only contribution to the happiness of a person; careers, environment, family and friendships, exercise, and more all affect happiness levels. Therefore it is impossible to determine if being single makes people happier or not.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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