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in General Factchecking by Newbie (490 points)
The article addresses concerning questions on whether lavender essential oil is safe for cats, along with other uses of lavender. The conclusion was that any strain would be best kept away from the cats, since if digested, the cats would not have the proper immune system to combat the concentration.

14 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

In this article it is exclaiming that lavender and almost most essential oils are bad for cats, I agree with this statement. I believe this statement is true because it is stating how the oils have toxins in the oil that are bad for the cats and there are few things that cats can ingest especially these oils.

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ago by Novice (600 points)
The claim is slightly exaggerated. While the website itself isn't national reputable, the article was reviewed by a veterinarian, and a quick Google search provides her credentials. The claim that any amount of lavender is dangerous for cats is exaggerated; even the linked article claims "a nibble or two of lavender might not hurt" a cat, but that large amounts, such as lavender essential oils, may be very toxic. Any responsible pet owner would regard a substance that could cause sickness to their pet as dangerous and something to be kept out of reach.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Novice (600 points)

While lavender should be kept away from kitty's consumption, the plant can actually have positive effects on cats' wellbeing. According to a veterinarian, Dr. Lorna Whittemore, BVMS, MRCVS, cat anxiety can be alleviated by diffusing small amounts of lavender into the air. However, this original poster is correct in stating the consumption of lavender can be toxic to cats. Symptoms can include loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea. Compounds found in lavender can overload cats organs, and could lead to developing respiratory issues. Multiple sources state that while there are benefits to lavender around cats, the risk of over-consumption of the plant itself or any consumption of concentrated oil are too great a risk. Advice ranges from forgoing the plant inside entirely to simply placing it out of reach of curious felines, but we all know how that usually goes. Ultimately, it's probably best to keep the herb away from your cats, and rely on lotions and low concentrated sprays to fill your home with it's scent.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The title of this claim is potentially misleading in relation to the article it references. While the article discusses the safety concerns surrounding lavender essential oils for cats, the title implies that the lavender plant itself poses a danger to felines. It is important to clarify that the lavender plant in its natural form is generally considered safe for cats. According to information from Feline Living, while lavender essential oils can be harmful if ingested or used improperly, the plant itself does not exhibit the same level of toxicity. Therefore, regardless of the accuracy of the claims regarding essential oils, the title inaccurately conflates the safety of the plant with that of its oil.


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