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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (200 points)

The claim of the article is the fact of having a hobby can increase happiness. Due to my research I found that having hobbies can contribute to a positive effect on one's happiness. "A study published online Sept. 11, 2023, by Nature Medicine suggests that having a hobby is good for your health, mood, and more. Researchers combed through five large studies involving more than 93,000 people across 16 countries (including the United States, Japan, China, and a dozen European countries)" (Harvard Health Publishing). 

5 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
The article "How Hobbies Make You Happier And Healthier" by Life And Health Network claims that engaging in hobbies will make you a happier person. The article cites a study done by The Society of Behavioral Medicine in 2015, which showed that people who partake in their hobbies are in better moods, are more interested, have less stress, and have a lower heart rate. This information is also found in another article by the Harvard Business Review, which is connected to Harvard University. Based on my research I would say that this claim is true.



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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Yes, having hobbies does make an individual happier. According to the research conducted by, The Cut, having hobbies helps an individual find a sense of self and hobbies can help humans find their overall "purpose" in life. The Cut article states that many individuals in today's society are obsessed with their jobs, not because they really want to be but because they feel as if they are forced to be. Having hobbies can help individuals disassociate from their jobs that already consume their lives and engage in activities of their choice that make them happy. By having the freedom of choosing their own hobbies they can contribute to their own happiness, which will obviously make them happy. I think we can conclude that hobbies make people happy because they are not forced to participate in a hobby, it is their own choice, and they can have whatever hobby they want. This gives them freedom to decide what makes them happy. 


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ago by Newbie (300 points)
Hobbies making people happier is a true claim. Hobbies are known to improve mental health. WebMD Health Benefits of Hobbies article claims that "studies have also shown that individuals that regularly take time off for their hobbies are less likely to feel low or depressed. In fact, such activities can make you happier and more relaxed." Hobbies reduce stress and can even improve relationships with others. Doing things you find meaningful and enjoyable is an instant mood booster.


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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This article's claim is that having hobbies increases an individual's happiness compared to those without hobbies. While this article is short, right away I can tell that it is a trusted source as it was published by the Harvard School of Medicine. The author, Heidi Goodman, has a good reputation and has been honored by multiple organizations such as the American Heart Association. This article does a good job of naming the studies it refers to. The study used as an example in this article was conducted by , and was very thorough as researchers combed through five large studies across over 16 countries, involving more than 93,000 people. This study also took place over time with researchers following their subjects for four-eight years. Nature Medicine is also a very reliable research journal and the case study is very thorough and impressive. Based on the publication of this article, and the case study itself, I would that the evidence proving this claim is present and the people reporting this evidence are reliable. Therefore, I believe that this claim is true.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

According to another article, a study shows that those who were engaged in hobbies were seen to feel more interested and have better moods. Having a hobby can make one happy and healthier. As it can also relieve stress and lower heart rates. Not only does having a hobby can make one happier and healthier, it can sharpen skills, such as problem-solving and/or possibly discovering a potential career.



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