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in General Factchecking by Newbie (370 points)
Although the article proves there have been no sightings of alien life, this can not prove that alien life is nonexistent. We cannot prove this topic yet because we do not have enough research to know.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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So there are several articles online that do support this article. The report is luckily available online and we can confirm that these news supports claims are supported throughout this document (pages 7 and 35). The report also backs it self up saying that there is no evidence of any type of cover up being true (page 27). The small issue is that this is the "unclassified" version. I guarantee that it is impossible to legally find the "classified" version of this document, which has the possibility of not sharing crucial evidence. I am not stating that the source is incorrect, I am suggesting that there is not enough information on the topic. 



No available information

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