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in General Factchecking by
This information is a conspiracy theory and one that no one knows as of now if this information is true or not only a theory people have. The conspiracy theory is on why Kanye interrupted Taylor at a VMAS award event infant of millions of people. He took the microphone to shine light on Beyonce as other many celebrities have before. There is a lot of true facts around Beyonce and how she could be involved in a case along with P Diddy. This evidence and crucial and clear although there is no proven fact that Kanye did it to protect Taylor Swift from the dark side of social media there was a good reason for his actions.With all the background information on P Diddy its super believable but again not a fact that these false claims are true.

1 Answer

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by Novice (550 points)
This incident is almost impossible to fact check considering its completely conspiracy like you stated. There could be many reasons why Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift that we will never know. P Diddy's connection here is unclear as well. It would be helpful for the authors case if they focused more on interviews/statements implying why this happened directly from the people involved at the time of the incident.
by Novice (660 points)
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Yes, its become very popular to make up wild assumptions and spread inaccurate news for entertainment. I doubt any of those involved will ever address the rumors as it is beneficial for publicity.
by Novice (650 points)
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I agree that finding substantial evidence to fact check this claim is not very possible seeing that there is no evidence to even support the claim. This claim is simply a conspiracy theory and until there is an official statement made by Kanye West himself, we will not be able to arrive at a solid answer with evidence to support this claim
by Newbie (380 points)
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I agree with your thoughts on this claim. It really is not possible to fact check this because there is no evidence and this is a theory made up by people analyzing this situation. As you stated, there are many possible reasons for Kanye to do this.
by Genius (47.5k points)
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So you'd rate the claim as N/A, no available information then?

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