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in General Factchecking by Newbie (430 points)
eating dark chocolate gives you protection against free radicals, cardiovascular disease, may prevent cancer, and also improves cognitive function. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, increases clotting ability of blood platelets, and it decreases mental impairment.
ago by Newbie (380 points)
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Dark chocolate has potential benefits, but claims are often exaggerated. Enjoy in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
ago by (140 points)
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This claim is true! The article starts out by citing Harvard which says that dark chocolate contains high amounts of flavanols, which helps your heart in protecting it from cardiovascular diseases. The article makes more claims about dark chocolate like that is prevents cancer, improves cognitive function, and protects against free radicals. Harvard was the only thing they used to back up their claims, so I found another article about this topic. I found an article by Cleveland Clinic that gave even more information about the benefits of consuming dark chocolate. Three doctors have said that Cleveland clinic is a reliable source, therefore I would say this claim is true; dark chocolate does have health benefits.
Source: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/dark-chocolate-health-benefits
ago by (100 points)
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The claim “Dark chocolate is found to have health benefits” is proven correct through the research and support from numerous validated sources. Research covered states dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, improves heart health and can even support brain function. The internal article refers to the chocolate as “superfood” (Katz, 2019), while an external article from Healthline supports this claim by providing seven proven benefits based on the consumption of this food (Gunnars, 2021). That said, it is essential to be able to understand the credibility of sources, specifically in this case, where the information is coming from. When analyzing more sources, credibility can be found in the sources with actual statistics or proven data coming from the benefits of dark chocolate. Such as scientific data, referring to how dark chocolate contributes to cardiovascular health. Through analyzing some articles with scientific data as well as the internal article, I was able to fact check the information I was receiving. This allowed for an accurate depiction of the information being shared in the original article.
Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-health-benefits-dark-chocolate#TOC_TITLE_HDR_6
ago by (100 points)
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Upon reading this article, I was skeptical on exactly how dark chocolate could have health benefits because I have always personally tied anything chocolate to being unhealthy. After reading the article and doing some outside research, I do see that it is actually beneficial and can be preventative to certain illnesses. This article also uses hsph.harvard.edu as a source which is very reliable. Overall this article is very spot on and accurate.
ago by (100 points)
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This claim is accurate! The article begins by referencing Harvard, which states that dark chocolate is rich in flavanols that help protect the heart from cardiovascular diseases. It goes on to make additional claims about dark chocolate, such as its ability to prevent cancer, improve cognitive function, and protect against free radicals. Harvard is the sole source backing these claims, so I found another article on the topic. I came across a piece from the Cleveland Clinic that provides even more details about the health benefits of dark chocolate. Three doctors have confirmed that Cleveland Clinic is a reliable source, so I would affirm that the claim is true, dark chocolate does offer health benefits.

132 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

hi there, 

this is a great point with lots of evidence and sources to back it up! you have a reputable source, as well. According to the Cleveland Clinic, dark chocolate is a "huge health benefit for your heart. Flavanols are related to the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes your blood vessels and improves blood flow. In turn, this also lowers blood pressure." the fact that the pros of dark chocolate outweigh the cons is a perfect piece of evidence for your claim. 


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ago by Newbie (270 points)

Dark chocolate has plenty of benefits as stated above which is true I was able to find another article that goes into detail about the benefits and goes into details of some possible disadvantages that go with dark chocolate. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/dark-chocolate-health-benefits


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