2 Answers

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ago by Novice (540 points)
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Best answer

I am not sure whether the original claim is stating that yes, birth control can lead to infertility or that no, you would have originally been infertile prior to taking it. Whatever the original claim is, I will be fact-checking the article provided. Although I do belive the claim to be true I will be providing more supporting evidence. The concern that taking birth control will affect future fertility is quite a common fear in younger women (as stated in this National Library of Medicine cited). This concern, although shared by many women is a common misconception. There is no evidence that taking contraceptives will prevent future pregnancies or cause infertility.




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ago by Newbie (340 points)

No, birth control does not cause infertility, it only delays fertility and temporarily prevents you from becoming pregnant. If one is diagnosed as infertile by a doctor, it wouldn't be because of the use of contraceptive. However, for those who remain infertile after having stopped taking birth control, it takes months to a year for it to leave the system and for fertility to return.


ago by Novice (580 points)
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I really like how your answer is straight to the point when answering the claim. In addition, even though it may seem like your source is not as credible since it is a .com, I like how it was medically reviewed by a professional on this topic. However, when you are referencing birth control, is it just a specific type or brand, or all birth controls in general? What are some other medical sources that support your answer?

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