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Trump's rally speaker called the island a "floating island of garbage", which causes concern among voters from Puerto Rico and even Trump supporters as this comments show the people he associates with. 

3 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.5k points)
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Best answer

While the comments made certainly affected/offended specific people, there isn't any evidence quite yet that shows a loss for Trump in Puerto Rican voters. The article uses language such as "could have" and "might". CNN is a reliable source, according to mediabiasfactcheck.com, CNN is rated as a "mostly factual" and high on the credibility scale. According to NBC expert Mike Madrid, Harris would only need a 1 to 2% increase in votes to win the entire state of Florida. While the comments made will most likely have an effect on the election results, it will be hard to tell the implications of them until November 5th.  

No available information
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by Novice (780 points)

According to the article, there is uncertainty to the information presented through the use of "might" that shows changes in voting of Trump. CNN however is according to https://www.statista.com/statistics/239743/cnns-credibility-in-the-united-states/, somewhat credible for 30% of the people in the United States. Therefore, yes it can trigger people especially the  Puerto Rican voters though to what extent it is unknown. 

Also according to Mike Madrid’s analysis, Donald Trump holds the led in the state of Florida and in this upcoming election, economy and immigration are key issues influencing voters. While these comments were made, the effects are still hard to tell until November 5th.  

No available information
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by Novice (600 points)
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The claim in this article is "Racist comments about Puerto Rico at Trump rally might cause fallout with Puerto Rican voter". First of all we see that it come from CNN which is a trustworthy website as it is an official news company. When we use the link we do see specifics that are mentioned in this claim. However they use words like "could have" when talking about Puerto Ricans not supporting Trump so yes Trumps rally speaker who is also a comedian did say that Puerto Rico was a floating island of garbage, we see this in there article https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy9jj2g75q4o However the fact that was claimed was that these comments were going to cause a fallout with Puerto Rican voters which that is no where claimed in the articles it only hints to it. So I would say this is  over exaggerated. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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