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in General Factchecking by Newbie (340 points)
Cracking your knuckles does not give you arthritis. The popping sound is connected to the formation and bursting of gas bubbles in your joint fluid. No studies have demonstrated an increased risk of arthritis, but frequent knuckle cracking may slightly reduce grip strength or irritate surrounding tissues​
by (150 points)
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The claim that this article states "Cracking your fingers does not give you arthritis" is a factual claim that is supported by the source that's provided. The article also states the possible risks of cracking your fingers, reduced grip strength and irritated tissue.

21 Answers

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by Newbie (350 points)

While cracking knuckles may be considered a bad habit, it will not lead to arthritis. This article by Northwest Medicine claims the popping sound is from a bursting gas bubbles in the fluid between finger joints. The idea that it leads to arthritis is a myth that has been passed around for awhile as a way to get people to break their habit of knuckle cracking.


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