The belief that cracking your knuckles causes arthritis is false, because according to Harvard Health and a study published in the Western Journal of Medicine, there’s no scientific evidence linking knuckle cracking to arthritis. The sound you hear when cracking your knuckles is caused by bubbles bursting in the synovial fluid, which is a natural lubricant in your joints and this process doesn’t damage the bones or cartilage, meaning it’s not likely to contribute to arthritis. However, long-term knuckle cracking might lead to some minor issues over time. The Western Journal of Medicine study noted that excessive knuckle cracking could result in reduced grip strength or mild swelling in the hands but these effects are relatively uncommon and not as severe as arthritis. The belief that it causes arthritis is more of a myth than fact, as confirmed by reputable sources so, there’s no real need to worry about indulging in the habit.