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in Climate Change by Novice (500 points)

The article "The HOAX of Climate Change" calls it a political scam. Some scientists avoided the data and tried to shut down opposing views, referencing the 2009 "Climategate" controversy. It also said any warming we're seeing is just part of natural solar cycles and not because of human actions. Those claims are false because several investigations have exonerated the scientists behind those accusations, and temperature records from NASA and NOAA plainly show that the planet has been steadily warming, due mostly to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, not solar activity.

by Novice (530 points)
1 0
I agree with your response, however I am wondering where you got your information about the investigations that have exonerated these scientists? I would also argue that while there is validity and research to back the human-caused affects of climate change, there are also studies and evidence backing the Earth's cooling and warming cycles so that much at least may not entirely be untrue. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/hasnt-earth-warmed-and-cooled-naturally-throughout-history
by (190 points)
0 0
You did a great job finding a reliable source for your claim! Though I feel you could've done a better job elaborating your claim, since this is such an important topic/issue, I would've gone more in depth on the scientific research that was noted in this article.
ago by (120 points)
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I agree with you. I think that humans and other animals cause climate change. NASA specifically responded to this saying that "Scientific evidence continues to show that human activities (primarily the human burning of fossil fuels) have warmed Earth’s surface and its ocean basins, which in turn have continued to impact Earth’s climate. This is based on over a century of scientific evidence forming the structural backbone of today’s civilization." NASA is a reliable site as they have proof of climate change, and it is happening not only from the view of Earth but also in space and around the planet. The Environmental Protection Agency wrote about it as well talking about how it is caused by humans greenhouse gasses and other environmentally harmful substances, specifically "it is extremely likely (> 95%) that human activities have been the dominant cause of that warming." This site is reliable as it is a government website. Although many people think it's not real, graphs and studies done by scientists have proven that wrong.



30 Answers

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by Novice (900 points)

The oceans have risen by over 4 inches since 1992, and this rise puts communities and ecosystems in jeopardy. The rise in heat causes the water to become warmer, disrupting sea life and causing extreme coral bleaching events. Increased absorption of CO2 makes the waters more acidic and thus threatens useful organisms such as shellfish and coral reefs. Warmer waters feed into stronger hurricanes that can do more damage to coastal areas. The ice is melting, which uncovers the darker water surfaces, and that can absorb more solar heat; the effect will amplify global warming. These measured changes in ocean conditions are but a glimpse of what is happening in the world due to climate change. Many renowned organizations, such as NASA, study the environment without having financial interests in the outcome. Decades ago, large fossil fuels companies, like ExxonMobil, also knew two decades in advance about the possible dangers of climate change and did absolutely nothing to reveal any information to the public. Climate change is real. It's driven by human activity, and it is having a significant impact on our planet, including vital ecosystems within all of our oceans.

Here are my links: source 1, source 2

by Novice (560 points)
0 0
I agree with your response that there is tangible scientific evidence to prove that climate change does exist. I also think that it's important that you touched on how organizations that are looking into climate change are not being paid to do so, giving them no financial gain or other benefit when letting the public know information. Although you linked your sources which is great, explaining them more in your response and what sources led to what parts of your response may be beneficial to the trustworthiness of what you have written.
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by Newbie (300 points)

Doing research and finding credible sources from other verified scientists shows that climate change is not a hoax. The strategy that this article used to try to prove that climate change is a hoax is tied to a scandal that played on a large audiences strong emotions. This article was posted in 2022 claiming that climate change ended in the '90s. Upon doing more research around this claim I found that there was a trend a few years ago of this theory and found an article from NOAA, "Did Global Warming Stop in 1998?", which questions this idea. The NOAA recognized that during 1998-2012 there was a decrease in the rate of global temperature rising, but that the overall temperature of the Earth is increasing. They also mentioned that the cycle of the sun fluctuates and this fluctuation can last for a decade or so and so during 1998-2012 it was a period of time where the temperature did decrease. When looking at the global temperature over the span of several decades it is clear to see the trend of the temperature consistently increasing, even with some variances. This article and the graphs prove that the claims made in the other article that climate change is a "hoax" are misleading.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (270 points)

This claim is false. This poster references the Royal Examiner article, The Hoax of “Climate Change”, which immediately shows a red banner at the top of the article stating “OPINION” (this should raise concern in reference to the lack of credibility of this source). The Royal Examiner article by C.J. Cook (who has been previously called out by fellow Royal Examiner author Waller Wilson in his article, Everyone Has a Right to Say What They Want for insufficient/lack of evidence) argues of this article is that “climate change” is a result of the sun and normal temperature fluctuations that cannot be traced back to humans. This is false. While climate change denial has grown into an increasingly popular conspiracy theory, there are copious amounts of evidence disproving the claim entirely. The most notable of this evidence comes from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA is a U.S. government run agency dedicated to scientific discovery and technological innovation on a planetary scale. NASA has collected data, proving climate change via satellite images (monitoring ice coverage and ice cap melting), carbon dioxide levels (in parts per million), global temperature (which has raised by about 1 degree Celcius since the late 19th century, largely attributed to carbon dioxide levels rising), sea temperature (raised by 0.33 degrees celsius since 1969), and more. (NASA, Evidence) This evidence has led to NASA’s claim of, “There is unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Human activity is the principal cause.” (NASA, Evidence). NASA reinforces this claim by quoting the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), "Since systematic scientific assessments began in the 1970s, the influence of human activity on the warming of the climate system has evolved from theory to established fact." “ (NASA, Evidence) While these claims have been widely disputed with the defense that the Earth’s climate is in a constant state of change, NASA clarifies that, “While Earth’s climate has changed throughout its history, the current warming is happening at a rate not seen in the past 10,000 years.” (NASA, Evidence). Thus leading to the evidence-based argument that climate change is, in fact, NOT a hoax.

articles: https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/evidence/



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by Newbie (320 points)
The article provided is an opinion piece intended to spread misinformation with no scientifically factual basis to back up their claims. Scientific evidence has shown that the emission of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere absorbs and emits heat energy, which warms the earth's surface and prevents the heat from escaping the atmosphere and going into space. Because the atmosphere traps the sun's energy, the excess energy has snowballed into many environmentally detrimental things that scientists are actively monitoring and can be felt and seen, such as glacier melting, hotter summers, unpredictable weather occurrences, rising sea levels, etc.


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Newbie (220 points)

Providing the source was very helpful, though, through research, I would disagree with the claim. Climate change has been a thing for a while now because of all the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, causing a change in the earth's climate. According to EPA.gov, "Activities such as agriculture, road construction, and deforestation can change the reflectivity of the earth's surface, leading to local warming or cooling." Also according to Climate.gov, "We know this warming is largely caused by human activities because the key role that carbon dioxide plays in maintaining Earth’s natural greenhouse effect has been understood since the mid-1800s." These two sources present evidence that furthers climate change being real.

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by Newbie (220 points)

The claim that "climate change is a hoax" is not supported by scientific evidence. Multiple lines of research and data from reputable organizations confirm that climate change is real and primarily driven by human activities. The article titled "The HOAX of Climate Change" from the Royal Examiner asserts that climate change is a political scam, referencing the 2009 "Climategate" controversy and attributing observed warming to natural solar cycles. However, these claims have been thoroughly debunked. In 2009, emails from climate scientists were hacked and misrepresented to suggest data manipulation. While solar cycles do influence Earth's climate, studies indicate that the recent warming trend cannot be explained by solar activity alone. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that human activities, especially greenhouse gas emissions, have "unequivocally caused global warming."


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by Newbie (300 points)

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Human action dating back to the Industrial Revolution has been correlated to the release of significant levels of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. Both emissions are immensely harmful to our environment. Scientists have formulated a record of the Earth's climate history using ice cores, tree rings, and other methods. The record shows a trend in which the Earth's climate often changes on a wide scale. However; the record fails to show any natural causes that would explain the significant global warming from the 1950s to the present. The conclusion is that there is a greater than 95% chance that humans have been the predominant reason for the climate's warming. 

NASA also affirms that climate change is real and very dangerous. The Earth's temperature has varied across history however the speed at which it increases to warm is unprecedented. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that scientific data had been found from natural resources like rocks to prove climate change is real. The planet's average temperature has increased by 2 degrees Fahrenheit, a clear indicator of the legitimacy of global warming. Glaciers are also melting and decreasing in size, a clear indicator of a warming planet.




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by Newbie (300 points)

This article was published by an unreliable source 3 years ago which already raises multiple red flags for me. This article goes against years of research and countless data that scientists have collected over the years. Studies from organizations like NASA, NOAA, and the confirm that human-induced climate change is real, driven primarily by greenhouse gas emissions. This Article is fake news.



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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Climate change is not a hoax. It is a real, anthropogenic phenomena affecting our planet. The article "The HOAX of 'Climate Change'" claims that the cyclic warming and cooling periods on our planet are determined by the sun's "Relational cycles". Relational Cycles are not a scientific term. According to NASA, "Milankovitch Cycles" are "Small cyclical variations in the shape of Earth's orbit, its wobble and the angle its axis is tilted play key roles in influencing Earth's climate over timespans of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years." (Cermak, 2024). 

Though Milankovitch Cycles have caused warm and cool periods on the Earth over thousands of years, in the last 250 years our planet has warmed at an unprecedented rate due to the greenhouse effect. Britannica defines the greenhouse effect as "warming of Earth's surface and troposphere (the lowest layer of the atmosphere) caused by the presence of water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, and certain other gases in the air." (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2025). The Environmental Protection Agency's page on the causes of Climate Change contains a graph that shows "the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere over the last 2,000 years. Increases in concentrations of these gases since 1750 are due to human activities in the industrial era." (Causes of Climate Change | Climate Change Science | US EPA, n.d.). Greenhouse gases produced by human activity in the last 250 years have rapidly sped up the warming process of our planet. 




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ago by (180 points)

The main idea of the article "The HOAX of Climate Change" is that the sun has different cycles, which can impact how much heat it emits and that humans cannot interfere with the sun's natural cycle. It is true that the sun has a cycle, called the solar cycle, which NASA states goes from minimum to maximum and back to minimum again. Over the 11 years that this cycle takes place sunspots will be absent, they will increase, and they will decrease. Such changes can rise the temperature but according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the rise in temperature is about 0.1 degrees celsius. So yes, the solar cycle does cause the temperature to change a bit, but without the sun we would not have life, plus, according to NASA, the rise in temperature of the Earth over the past few decades is too rapid to be caused by the sun. According to NOAA, the rate of warming since 1982 is more than three times as fast as it used to be. 





According to a NASA article about the Greenhouse Effect, human's major use of greenhouse gases, mostly from burning fossils fuels, has disrupted Earth's balance and caused a significant increase of carbon dioxide in the both the atmosphere and the ocean. NASA also states, "The level of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere has been rising consistently for decades and traps extra heat near Earth's surface, causing temperatures to rise". 


Overall, the sun's natural cycle can impact the temperature of the Earth, but not in a concerning manner unlike the rise of greenhouse gases in the environment caused by humans. 


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