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in General Factchecking by Newbie (370 points)

6 Answers

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by Novice (930 points)
There is no current evidence to support this claim, no trusted newspapers or fact-checking companies have made any claims that Joe Biden has said anything about a recount. Furthermore, the claim only comes from the X account which seems to be very untrustworthy.
by Newbie (490 points)
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This is true as well. I found this article by Times Now which doesn't look like a very established site but also says it was fabricated. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-10-31/can-trump-really-cut-off-california-wildfire-aid This was all that I could really find on the topic.
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by Novice (680 points)

Because this claim originated from a "random" X user, I have difficulty trusting it. The claim appears to be fabricated or exaggerated, simply because it is not coming from a reliable source, but rather an ordinary user of X. I tried to verify the claim online, but several news sources, such as Times Now World, have stated that "neither Kamala Harris' campaign nor the White House has issued any such request." None of Biden's social media platform or government-issued statements have claimed this either. Additionally, CBS News stated that Trump has actually been invited to the White House to start discussing the transition of power from the Biden administration to the Trump administration. I don't think someone recounting the votes would be inviting Trump to the White House.    



by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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Your additional research beyond the linked source is very helpful in debunking the claim. As well as finding information contradicting the claim to share what is actually occurring post-election.
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by Apprentice (1.2k points)

This speculation stemmed from a verified X user, but the post provides zero context or evidence to support the point, further proving the lack of reliance. This claim is false after further investigation. Times Now also reported on the matter and stated "Hours after former President Donald Trump declared his victory in the 2024 election, several social media users speculated if President Joe Biden has called for a 'recount' of votes, especially in swing states. However, this is not true. Neither Kamala Harris' campaign nor the White House has issued any such request." X is not a verifiable news source, especially coming from a non-news source and instead just a self-made user. Verified or not, you should always double check the information you are obtaining from other platforms.

by Newbie (320 points)
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This is a great fact-check! Not only do you quote a verified source of information, but you also explain why it is not true in your own words. You make a very good point about self-made users and whether or not they are reliable. I also appreciate that you added the link to where you found this quote so others can read it and verify it for themselves. Thanks!
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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Glad for this fact check! It is true that things from twitter now a days tend to just start rumors about politics and this just became another one to add to the mix.
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by Novice (520 points)
There is no valid evidence presented to support this claim and there has been no statement issued by the white house to call for a vote recount. Biden has actually vowed for an orderly transfer of power.

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by Novice (560 points)

This speculation revolving around Biden claiming to recount seems misleading, since the source is coming from a random X user that has no background information regarding such an instance. The only source I see is it being posted on X, and that doesn't count on being reliable. I looked up the title of this claim on the web, and found no other connections to that claim. I saw on Times Now News and it stated "However, this is not true. Neither Kamala Harris' campaign nor the White House has issued any such request." This claim is showing that no request has been made to recount the votes. Additionally, I found information on CBS that claims "President Biden gave his first remarks on Thursday since President-elect Donald Trump's victory to discuss the election and the transition. Trump has been invited to the White House to discuss the transition." This is coming from a reliable news source, and the same information is commonly seen on other webpages such as NBC. 





Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (970 points)
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Good job of pointing out that the original claim came from an unverified X user which lacks credibility and validity. By cross checking the claim using news outlets like CBS and NBC your factcheck in turn has more weight. Your clarification on finding no recount request from the White House or Kamala Harris campaign really helps to clarify and eliminate this misinformation.
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by Novice (940 points)

This claim is not true and misleading. 

When analyzing the media company as a whole, I tried to find more information about the channel on their credibility. On their website they do not have any direct link to a bio or “about us” section. There are no values or morals stated that they abide by except stating “FACTS MATTER” in their twitter account. 

Upon looking further, I analyzed some of the articles that were published and no sources were cited to support their claims. The website is structured in the way of a blog, only highlighting reports on the main page of ones that got the most attention (last article was written 11 months ago). It does not highlight current news and breaking news within their landing page, as their twitter does more of that. 

Also, there is no indication of a specific professional journalist writing these articles.The language seems very plain and lacking in any story-telling, rather it’s more reporting off a specific video. 

Doing a simple search on the internet, I found that there is no information on this organization except that it looks like they’ve been established since 2023 since that's the last date that their reporting has been archived. It looks like it is ran by one specific person.

When looking to see if there was any coverage, I did not see any official statements issued from the White House’s official website nor any tweets or statements made on Biden’s social media that would indicate that he has been asked to do a recount. 

Since the original post is posted on “X,” it doesn’t seem reliable. There is no evidence to back up the claim. In addition, the decision to issue a recount is up to the states, not the former president. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “The laws governing recounts vary by state…Forty one states and Washington D.C. permit a losing candidate, a voter, or a group of voters or other concerned parties to petition for a recount.” In other words, they can have a former president ask for a recount with some other voters who feel the same way, but not monitor or actually recount the votes physically. 





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