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in General Factchecking by Novice (590 points)
Getting too much sleep can be a sign of underlying health problems, a risk factor for chronic disease and a good reason to see your doctor.
by Newbie (450 points)
1 0
Your point about too much sleep being a sign of underlying health problems is valid, but I think it could be expanded further. For instance, what specific health issues are commonly associated with excessive sleep? Providing examples like sleep apnea, depression, or thyroid problems could make your argument more compelling.
by Novice (730 points)
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Yes, too much sleep can have negative effects on your health. While it’s widely known that insufficient sleep can be harmful, over-sleeping has its own set of risks.
by Newbie (220 points)
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This article provides an important reminder that too little and too much sleep can negatively impact our health. It's easy to focus on the risks of sleep deprivation, but it's just as important to recognize that oversleeping especially if you're still tired after a long night's rest could be a sign of an underlying health issue. I appreciate how the article highlights that conditions like sleep apnea, anemia, or thyroid problems can all contribute to excessive sleep and tiredness and that seeing a doctor can be crucial in addressing these concerns.
by Newbie (260 points)
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I believe that there are multiple ways to look at this claim. In a certain aspect i would agree. Overall if someone is constantly oversleeping, it can lead to many different health problems, some including from skipping meals, and not being productive and active. These things can not only leave to physical health problems, but mental ones too. With that being said I believe that this doesn't just go for every person. I think that depending on the person and their age, this can very. Many times teenagers are viewed as over sleeper's, when in reality teenagers and just like infants, they need some of the most sleep. Many studies have shown that excessive sleeping in some instances can be a good thing, and can actually help people with their health. Although everyone is different and I do believe that depending on the person, not every person is affected negatively with oversleeping.

6 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
selected by
Best answer

Yes, this claim is true. Not only does it create risk for chronic disease, but it can also cause other factors such as obesity, multiple cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension. Large amounts of unhealthy sleep is typically around more than 9 hours, and can be the cause of many things happening in ones life. Some examples can include; restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, bruxism, or other medical conditions. This is why it is important to speak with a doctor if you are sleeping for large periods of time, or feel tired too often. (from John Hopkins Medicine https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/oversleeping-bad-for-your-health )

Down bellow is a study conducted by Institut National de Prévention et d'Education pour la Santé In France that gathered up many participants to study the sleeping patterns of individuals. In the study many results were conducted and found, and includes thorough information that delve deeper on the risks of longer sleep.


by Novice (510 points)
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You've made a strong point regarding how excessive amounts of sleep can be linked to a variety of chronic health conditions such as multiple cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. You also made a great point highlighting the connection of oversleeping with restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, bruxism and further health conditions. A suggestion I would offer would be to emphasize the importance of sleep quality in addition to talking about amount of sleep. Overall, this was a very insightful claim and you added additional research of how oversleeping can negatively impact your health.
by Novice (890 points)
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Your responsible is incredibly reliable because you provide specific sources (from credible websites like John Hopkins Medicine) and provide a case study. I think it is important that you included this case study in your response because it gives people real data, from regular people like myself, that proves your point.
by Newbie (380 points)
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This factcheck is credible and very well written. You were able to support the claim and add to how it effects one's health and possible reasons as to one is getting more than the recommended sleep using a credible article.
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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I appreciate you using an article from the NLM for one of your sources, as that is a consistent way to source reliable and credible material with your fact-checks.
by Newbie (360 points)
0 0
This was a great fact check. You began with your claim and continued to connect that to the article given as well as your own. I believe you were able to provide additonal trusted articles that only furthered the truth. I also appreciated your examples that allowed the reader a better understanding of the claim
by Newbie (280 points)
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Your comment does a good job of pointing out the effects of too much sleep from a scientific standpoint and gives reliable sources. Your evidence is clear and shows that excessive sleep does have negative effects or can be a sign of something wrong.
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by Apprentice (1.6k points)

This claim is true, getting too much sleep is a sign of underlying health problems. I found more information about this on hopkinsmedicine.org, I will put the link for my score below. The article mentions how oversleeping is associated with many health problems, including: Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, headaches, and a greater risk of dying from a medical condition. The article also mentions that some conditions can make you so tired. These conditions include: Sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, bruxism, chronic pain, and certain medications. The second part of your claim: "a risk factor for chronic disease and a good reason to see your doctor." isn't exactly correct. Chronic disease isn't a risk factor but instead a condition that can cause you to oversleep. But that's just a nitpick, most of your claim is correct. 


by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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This is a good fact check and you selected a good source, but you would benefit greatly by adding more sources. By using multiple you can increase your credibility and ensure the information is correct.
by Novice (720 points)
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Using John Hopkins Medicine as your source is very helpful since it is well known they are leading health system in the United States. Also appreciate how you pointed out sleeping too much can cause health problems that lead you to feeling more sleepy - so it is also just a big cycle if you get into the habit of sleeping too much.
by Newbie (390 points)
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I like the information laid out in this fact-check by using their initial claim and evidence and then adding your own information and source it makes for a great amount of evidence to show that yes there is a correlation between sleeping longer and potential health problems. Using Hopkins Medicine as a source is great as they are a trusted source of medical information. I would argue that you should have commented on the claim title of "Too much sleep can be bad for your health" as that's not exactly true but instead to could be possible that you are tired because of underlying health effects.
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by Apprentice (1.3k points)
This claim is correct. Too much sleep (consistently) is bad for your health.

This article, by the Sleep Foundation, writes that sleeping for over nine hours each night may be a sign of a sleep disorder, mental health disorder, or other health issue and that sleeping too much can negatively impact your immune system, mental health, heart health, and potentially lead to chronic diseases. Additionally, oversleeping can be symptomized by excessive daytime napping, daytime sleepiness, and headaches.

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)

The claim that too much sleep can be harmful to your health is supported by research. Oversleeping is associated with several health issues, including an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression​. Additionally, it can disrupt circadian rhythms, leading to cognitive impairments and feelings of sluggishness​. These findings suggest that regularly exceeding the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night could be indicative of underlying health problems and may contribute to various negative health outcomes.



by Novice (760 points)
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I like how you linked outside sources that support this claim and explained the facts. It would be helpful to include information about how you know that each article is reliable (the author, date, etc.), as well as how the data in each source matches the others.
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by Novice (930 points)
Indeed, too much sleep can be a warning sign for other health issues.

However, I could find no conclusive evidence that sleep itself was the problem. Only that too much sleep was a "sign" for other health issues. It is important to know the difference here.

With that in mind, the sources used for this claim are reputable, and the claim is true.


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by Newbie (360 points)

This is true. Sleeping for too many hours in regular basis not only can by a sign for a health problem but it can cause serious chronic disease. Large amounts of unhealthy sleep is typically around more than 9 hours, and can be the cause of many things happening in ones life such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension.



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• Be respectful
• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
• Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
• Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
• Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
• Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.