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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (360 points)
Getting too much sleep can be a sign of underlying health problems, a risk factor for chronic disease and a good reason to see your doctor.
ago by Newbie (310 points)
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Your point about too much sleep being a sign of underlying health problems is valid, but I think it could be expanded further. For instance, what specific health issues are commonly associated with excessive sleep? Providing examples like sleep apnea, depression, or thyroid problems could make your argument more compelling.
ago by Newbie (230 points)
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Yes, too much sleep can have negative effects on your health. While it’s widely known that insufficient sleep can be harmful, over-sleeping has its own set of risks.

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ago by Novice (940 points)

This claim is true, getting too much sleep is a sign of underlying health problems. I found more information about this on hopkinsmedicine.org, I will put the link for my score below. The article mentions how oversleeping is associated with many health problems, including: Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, headaches, and a greater risk of dying from a medical condition. The article also mentions that some conditions can make you so tired. These conditions include: Sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, bruxism, chronic pain, and certain medications. The second part of your claim: "a risk factor for chronic disease and a good reason to see your doctor." isn't exactly correct. Chronic disease isn't a risk factor but instead a condition that can cause you to oversleep. But that's just a nitpick, most of your claim is correct. 



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