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in General Factchecking by Newbie (280 points)
Can a glass of lemon water do your body good? There are a lot of claims that by drinking lemon water can help to lots of thinks for the human body health such us: lose weight faster, prevent kidney stones, gives an antioxidant boost ext

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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Best answer
The claim that starting your day by drinking lemon water is healthy is true. The source that the original claim linked is from the Cleveland Health Clinic. The Cleveland Health Clinic article states that drinking lemon water is an aid in digestion, helps you stay hydrated, prevents kidney stones, weight loss-friendly, gives an antioxidant boost, and is a great source of vitamin C. The article also links sources such as The National Kidney Foundation to back up their claims. However, they also link other articles from the Cleveland Health Clinic to support their claims which could mean they have a bias/alternate agenda. In reference to drinking lemon water first thing in the day, the article says that it is a good time to hydrate your body and drinking it on an empty stomach aids its digestive benefits

Another article from LifeQuest Nursing Center (https://lifequestnursinghome.org/2015/04/7-benefits-of-starting-your-day-with-lemon-water/) also says that drinking lemon water also aids with digestion, hydration, weight-loss, boosts energy, and eliminates toxins. Both reputable sources claiming the same benefits helps support that the claim is true.

Lastly, registered dietician, Ashley Koff, said that adding lemon juice to water is good for the digestive track because it creates a better environment for good bacteria (https://www.piercechiropractic.net/blog/a-simple-detox-for-every-morning).

However, I would say that the while there are benefits to drinking lemon water in the morning, the sources I found mainly provide reasons why drinking lemon water is good overall and the benefits are not specific to the time of day you drink them, just possibly more effective. In addition, there are some downsides to drinking lemon water such as the harm it can cause to your tooth enamel, but the pros out-weight the cons in this case.
by Newbie (300 points)
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I thought you did a really good job fact checking this. I went and looked at the links you posted and read through the articles, and saw that they are both super trustworthy sources, and provide lots of good information on this topic. I also thought you did a really good job stating that drinking lemon water is not just a morning that can help you, and more of a life thing that is good for you, and can improve your health. But adding to your statement I think it is just important to drink lemon water in moderation for the best heath benefits. But good job on this!
ago by Newbie (340 points)
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This is a great fact check. I went through your sources and I think that they provide trustworthy and important information for this claim. I also like how you explained that the health benefits aren't only in the morning. Overall i really enjoyed reading this fact check!

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