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2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
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Best answer

Trump's and his administration has stated that they are happy with national abortion ban, it is currently hard to tell as Trump is known to lie about things and currently he will not comment or sya what exactly his plans are but Project 2025 claims fairly fully to want to take away abortion rights and no longer leave it to the states.  

Here is a link to an article explaining a little more.


by Apprentice (1.8k points)
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This is a great fact check and there are some still unsure aspects of what will happen with abortion rights with Trump in office again. The information and article are helpful information for the current status.
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by Novice (640 points)

The article only mentions the Comstock Act as a way to ban certain types of abortions.  During the campaign he said he would not use the Comstock Act to limit access to abortion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmfGRdlBq38,  As far as national ban he posted this on X https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1841295548109955091 where he said he would veto national ban on abortion. One caveat, this is a politician talking 

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Newbie (240 points)
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I agree with your analysis of this claim. The nature of politician's promises and comments can't be verified easily. I like that you used a post from X and a clip from his campaign.
by Apprentice (1.5k points)
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Good job on finding direct quotes from Donald Trump, as that is really the best we can go off of right now. I do think it's important that you bring the truthfulness of these statements into question, which is especially crucial in Trump's case, as he is known to contradict himself frequently.

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