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in General Factchecking by Newbie (300 points)
This article explains how red meat isn’t very good for you. There are a few major reasons as to why that is. Red meat is very high saturated fats and high in calories. Although there are some counterclaims as to how red meat can be beneficial to some, it seems to be a repetitive influence in many health issues.
by (150 points)
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The claim that red meat is bad for you is an interesting topic. You clearly state that while it can be beneficial to some for the mass majority it is unhealthy. While that is not false, the conditions in which red meat becomes a risk isn't states. According to Harvard health, its only when high amounts of red meat is consumed in which health risks such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and premature death. However research claims that low amounts of red meat, such as a limit of 2-3 times per week is found healthy with no clear health risks.

Source:  https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/whats-the-beef-with-red-meat

1 Answer

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by Novice (630 points)
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Best answer
The claim that red meat is bad for you is neither true or false. Red meat like most produce have pros and cons when it comes to consuming them. After looking at other sources like Harvard health some positive things about eating red meats is that they rich in protein, iron, zinc, and b vitamins which are essential for muscle growth, nerve function and overall heath. However like you claimed red meat does have a high concentration of saturated fats which can lead to heart disease, and high cholesterol. It's recommended by most nutritionists that choosing a leaner red meat can help balance the benefits and risks, eating it in moderation also helps reduce the risks.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Novice (990 points)
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Your answer is solid and can be seen as reliable due to a good job in explaining all the various details that address the original claim. This is helped by usage and referencing reliable and relevant source material related to the topic, like with linking information provided by Harvard Health. The answer of not being able to be true or false is a great answer as this original claim can be seen as a subjective answer by most people, but your take and discussion in considering it is helpful in progressing thought on the issue.
by Novice (740 points)
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This is a good fact check since you included a very reliable source from a credible medical institution, and offered both perspectives from nutritionists. When it comes to diet, it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint something as entirely bad, and in this case it can have pros and cons.
by Newbie (480 points)
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Your answer is very well written and includes some very great points. I agree with you that their are a variety of healthy benefits and disadvantages when it comes to eating red meat. I also think this claim has to be an opinion. Some people need the iron and protein to function whereas others need less saturated fat in their diet to stay healthy. All together, I thought you did a great job explaining the pros and cons of red meat and I agree with your final claim of it being an opinion.

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