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in General Factchecking by Novice (600 points)
A Maryland principal was falsely accused of racism and anti-semitism after the athletic director of his school used AI to create voice recordings of him.

2 Answers

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by Novice (900 points)
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Best answer
This claim is true. The original linked NPR article provides robust information to the context of the issue and details from an official police investigation which purports AI being used. The source of the NPR article is legitimate and trustworthy and can encourage high reliability in the rest of the information provided. Additionally, we can find the original police announcement on their website here: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/police/news/athletic-director-charged-pikesville-high-school-ai-case
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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This article is crazy! Surely is scary what AI is capable of. Thank you for providing another source for me to look at too.
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by Newbie (440 points)

This claim is correct. After reading the credible article published by NPR linked above, I researched further and found that AP News, The Guardian, USA Today and various other well-known publications reported on this. In most of the articles, they include quotes from police officers, court standings, and broaden the topic to the larger issues of increasing AI powers without regulators. The articles also include context to Dazhon Darien, the creator of the video, and the petty feud that motivated him to frame Principal Eric Eiswert. The original video, however, has been taken down for its spread of hate speech, specifically racist and anti-semetic content. While the articles didn't include the video, they include the main problematic points of the video without harming the viewer, which further push their trust and credibility. The Baltimore Banner also publishes an article about the incident, and since the event is so close in proximity to them and at a local level the credibility and specifics are yet again proved true.







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