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in General Factchecking by
It has been found that drinking "too much" water can actually be just as bad for you or arguably even worse than being dehydrated. Drinking too much water can cause Headaches, Nausea and vommiting, Muscle cramps, and brain fog.Drinking too much water unbalances the kidney and overwhelms to natural process the kidney functions. The sodium content in the human body also needs to be regulated and drinking too much water messes up the amount of sodium within the human body.
ago by Newbie (330 points)
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I believe that excessive water intake is bad, but maybe include any studies that show why. It also varies depending on people’s water intake and how much they are able to drink.
ago by (100 points)
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Yes this claim is true. Water in excess amounts can be deadly according to plenty government websites. There have also been people who have died from drinking too much water, this term is called water poising, according to many reputable news sources.
ago by Newbie (300 points)
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Your fact-check is correct although this article does not prove or backup the statement that too much water can be worse than dehydration. I do not think there have been enough studies done to be able to prove this. Maybe you could’ve provided a link to an article that backups that claim.
ago by Newbie (400 points)
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I agree with this fact-check, I feel like if you intake too much of anything, it could be bad for you. When too much water is consumed, the kidneys struggle to excrete the excess, causing an imbalance in sodium levels. In severe cases, extreme water intake can cause swelling in the brain, which can be life-threatening. Therefore, while hydration is crucial, excessive water consumption can be just as harmful as dehydration.
ago by (100 points)
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I agree with this fact-check because I believe that consuming too much of anything may be harmful to your health.  The kidneys have a hard time eliminating too much water, which leads to an imbalance in salt levels.  Extreme water consumption in extreme situations might result in potentially fatal brain edema.  Drinking too much water can thus be just as dangerous as dehydration, even if being hydrated is essential.

108 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This statement is true. Drinking too much water can have severe consequences including fatality in extreme rare cases. Typically drinking too much water applies to when too much water is drank in a short period of time too fast, unless speaking about somebody with certain health issues for instance kidney problems, liver disease, and uncontrolled diabetes these are just a couple of examples. According to the article “Overhydration” from “Healthline” “…it’s possible to have too much water in your body. This can cause water toxicity. This is when your body’s water is more than your kidneys can excrete. It can lead to a dangerous electrolyte imbalance.” Also according to an article from “MedicalNewsToday” “ Overhydration and water intoxication happen when a person drinks more water than their kidneys can get rid of via urine. The amount of water is not the only factor — time also plays a role. According to figures quoted in a 2013 study, the kidneys can eliminate about 20–28 liters of water a day, but they can remove no more than 0.8 to 1.0 liters every hour.” Something else stated was “A buildup of fluid in the brain is called cerebral edema. This can affect the brain stem and cause central nervous system dysfunction. In severe cases, water intoxication can cause seizures, brain damage, a coma, and even death.https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318619#dangers


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ago by (140 points)
You can in fact drink too much water! According to the CDC you can't drink more than 48 oz per hour this can cause the concentration of salt to become too low in the blood and can cause a medical emergency. Mayo Clinic also says that if you drink too much water, the sodium in your blood becomes diluted and can cause hyponatremia.


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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This claim is true. According to the article by University Hospitals, it is possible to overwhelm your kidneys and to over-hydrate which causes the sodium within in your body to diminish causing other symptoms. The claim, however, should have included that the kidney has a limit based on time and volume, so you can drink enough water to overwhelm your kidneys during the day, but it should be spaced out enough to not overwhelm.

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ago by Newbie (260 points)

This is true. Drinking too much water can lead to something called water toxicity. It is when the water starts to dilute your body with sodium and electrolytes. If you start to experience water toxicity, you will need to go to the hospital. According to Healthline," Overhydration due to drinking too much water causes water toxicity, an electrolyte imbalance that can cause symptoms ranging from nausea and headaches to unconsciousness and coma."  As much as you want to hydrate a lot, be careful not to overdue it.


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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Water is a necessity to survive but in certain amounts can be lethal. When excessive amounts of water is consumed the water can overwhelm your kidneys and dilute the sodium content of your blood. Symptoms of excessive water consumption include headaches, vomiting ,fatigue ,weakness and confusion. Severe cases can lead to loss of consciousness, seizures and even death. The amount of water thats considered dangerous is not a set number but the kidneys can process about one liter of fluid per hour, anymore over a liter can be considered a risk to ones health. Although it is strange the sole liquid keeping us alive can kill us this claim turns out to be true.


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ago by Newbie (310 points)
After doing some of my own research I have found that your claim is in fact true. I looked at a article from the mayo clinic and found over hydration can lead to hyponatremia and it can be life-threatening. Although It also says it is very rare in fully grown adults, and mainly within athletes during intense training. So this claim is true but most people have no need to worry.

Sources: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256#:~:text=Athletes%20occasionally%20may%20drink%20too,it%20can%20be%20life%2Dthreatening.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This statement is true. While rare, it is possible to drink too much water. As mentioned, Drinking too much water can unbalance kidney functions. In an article by Mayo Clinic it is noted, "When you drink too much water, your kidneys can't get rid of the excess water. The sodium content of your blood becomes diluted. This is called hyponatremia and it can be life-threatening." This phenomenon is called Water intoxication which is "you have more water in your body than you need. It can cause a chemical imbalance that your body can’t clear out naturally by sweating or urinating" and does result in headaches, nausea, vomiting, etc (Cleveland Clinic).



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ago by Newbie (300 points)
The claim that you can drink too much water at face value is 100% true. The article claims that drinking too much water can lead to Hyponatremia, which is a low sodium concentration in the blood stream. This was also mentioned as a potential risk to overhydration in an article published by the University of Utah Health department. Another source that I found was the Mayo clinic, who said that drinking too much water was one of the main causes of Hyponatremia, along with underlying conditions.



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