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Don't tell your teens, but gaming can be good for mental wellbeing (and older brains can benefit too!)

by Newbie (320 points)
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This is an interesting claim and makes me curious to see how it can benefit older brains too. The article provides lots of studies made by different professors which helps with convincing. I wonder how the benefits outweigh the potential negative effects of gaming?
by (190 points)
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This makes an interesting point as video games are very good for stimulating your brain.

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
Numerous studies indicate that, when played in moderation, some forms of gaming may be beneficial to mental health. Video games, for instance, have been found to enhance cognitive abilities like memory, spatial reasoning, and decision-making. It has been demonstrated that playing some games, especially puzzle or strategy-based ones, can improve brain function and even assist some people deal with stress and anxiety. It's crucial to remember that these advantages are typically related to the characteristics of the game. Games that are violent or very immersive might have detrimental effects like heightened aggression or social isolation. While research on the effects of gaming on older brains is ongoing, some studies indicate that by improving problem-solving skills, gaming may assist older persons postpone cognitive decline in skills and providing mental stimulation. Overall, the claim that gaming can be good for mental well-being is not inherently false, but it should be framed carefully to reflect the differences in how various types of games can impact individuals differently. Moderation, game type, and the overall context of gaming are critical factors.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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I appreciate your fact check and your in-depth explanation of how videos games in moderation have great positive effects. These effects include enhanced cognitive abilities like memories and spational reasoing. I also appreciated how you cited both sides to the claim in your fact check as well as following a logical path of reason throughout your writing that makes it easy for the reader to follow. However I did not see any sources linked. Although what you said makes sense it is very difficult for me to verify what you are saying. In the future would you let me know what sources you use.
Thanks, Josh
by Newbie (460 points)
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This fact check was great, and the explanation you provided was very insightful—the points you offered regarding anxiety and stress, as well as other aids to physiological matters. I felt as though the points provided would be much more trustworthy if you provided links to where the information was gathered from.
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by Newbie (420 points)

The claim that video games can be good for your mental wellbeing can be proven as true due to the fact that there is information being backed up in the article. Though some people may think that video games have negative effects on people as a whole, the article shows that this may not always be the case. Throughout the article it provides the reader with information and studies that help to prove how beneficial and helpful video games really are. For example, one of the studies showed that console ownership and the amount of time you play video games can have a positive effect on your well being. Other articles can also back up the numerous benefits of video games, for example video games can help with your mental stimulation, social interaction, feeling accomplished, and more. Studies have also shown that the type of video games that you play can have different positive effects on your mental well being. All and all, the claim that video games can be good for your mental well being can be proven as true. 

Information from: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/mental-health-benefits-of-video-games 

by Newbie (240 points)
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I believe you laid out your answer very well and did a good job of acknowledging the other points of view involved in the issue. Referencing what the original claim was based on in the article made it much easier to connect your points to the main post. I would be interested to see your view on the other side of the matter and possibly a source for comparison. I wonder if there are some statistics showing the general response to popular video games so that a comparison could be made between the amount with positive impacts versus negative. I would've maybe liked a few examples to put in perspective the kind of video games with a positive effect but overall this is very easy to understand and properly supports your conclusion.

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• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
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