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in General Factchecking by Newbie (360 points)

According to the FactCheck below, blue light does not cause eye damage. Since the sun contains all spectrums of light (including blue), does blue light cause damage? Or do people simply want to blame devices?

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.5k points)

This claim is entirely confusing. The question posed in the claim has no direct correlation to the linked source. While the source details potential solutions to help soothe eye irritation due to increased screen time, the claim questions the validity of concerns about blue light from devices related to vision issues. As the question posed in the claim is neither supported nor undermined by the linked source, it’s difficult to examine the validity of this claim; I’m unsure what the claim is attempting to investigate. If I were to address the question regarding the credibility of blue light concerns, it would be incredibly easy to find evidence to support the argument that blue light does, in fact, negatively affect vision. For instance, both the *University of California (UC Davis Health) and the **American Academy of Ophthalmology confirm some extent of a link between increased blue light exposure and eye irritation. These are only a selection of numerous sources confirming this linkage. On the other hand, if I were to address the validity of the linked source, which doesn’t really work in conjunction with the claim’s question to any extent, it would be incredibly easy to support its credibility. Firstly, the expert cited in the source, Khadija Shahid, has credentials in the field of ophthalmology; second, the source clarifies that the suggestions made in the article to help reduce eye irritation correlated with screen time are merely the opinion of Shahid. As such, Shadid’s professional opinions seem quite valid because of her medical credentials and, even if she didn’t have such credentials, this article would still hold merit because it merely poses suggestions to help soothe a problem. 


Exaggerated/ Misleading

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