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in General Factchecking by
Some cats are allergic to people.
by Newbie (290 points)
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I think this is an interesting claim, but could use more evidence along with the evidence being stronger to support your claim.

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.2k points)

The basis of this claim is true, however, it should really be elaborated on. When house pets have allergies it typically falls under 3 categories: fleas, food, and environmental (https://www.livescience.com/animals/can-dogs-and-cats-be-allergic-to-humans). As it pertains to cats, they aren't specifically allergic to people but rather an environment in which they are surrounded by particles like human dandruff. These specific environments, easily found within the household the pet lives in can cause conditions such as asthma  and/or eczema in cats and by no means to a serious extent. So basically cats can be allergic to humans, however, there should be no cause for concern because just as humans received treatment, so can the cats. 


by Novice (960 points)
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I agree with your answer and thought your reasoning was really strong. The only concern I have is that you still put "True" for the article even though the title "Some Cats are Allergic to People" is inherently misleading. As you stated in your fact check, cats can be alergic to a persons specific environment, however not the person themselves. Overall, I thought your fact check was strong though.
by (140 points)
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I agree with the comment above, your response is strong however leading with the statement that the claim is true confuses readers. The sources used confirm that cats are not allergic to human beings. Regardless the sources are reputable and back the argument.
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by Newbie (300 points)

Cats can be allergic to living with people rather than allergic to people themselves (let me explain). Washington State University Professor, Dr. Raelynn Farnsworth, says in a National Geographic article that cats are allergic to “dust mites and human dander, or things we encounter in the environment like feathers, sheep wool, or pollens”. The originally cited article acknowledges this too, “when cats do have a bad reaction to us, it’s usually caused by residue from our perfume, soap or laundry detergent”. 

So, granted, it’s important to know that - while this claim is true - much of the allergens affecting cats are more from the environment that comes along with living alongside a human rather than a human themselves. That being said, human dust (made up of dead skin, dirt, etc.) can also be an allergen. The good thing is that usually vets can work with you to help make you and your cat’s lives easier if this is the case.

While saying “some cats are allergic to people” follows a similar logic as saying “some people are allergic to cats”,since a very similar allergic reaction to cats’ shedding skin is the most common cause of what makes “some people allergic to cats” -  I think it is very important to elaborate on the root of the problem that way someone doesn’t disown their cat when they realize their cat is “allergic to them” when it was truly that the cat was allergic to their brand of laundry detergent. 



Exaggerated/ Misleading

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