2 Answers

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by Novice (690 points)
As ridiculous as this would be, the source alone reveals that this claim is in fact satire :)

When you look up "pikachu balloon floating away at Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade" no other articles come up. Seeing as this was a televised event, if this actually happened, it would've been reported on heavily with (most likely) actual video evidence of the occurrence rather than just one inconspicuous photo.
by Novice (880 points)
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I agree completely with your fact check, this article is clearly satire however, I feel it would benefit your check to add a source. You could possible add a add a statement from a source talking about how the parade ran smoothly, and how this did not infact happen. Overall, good response though.
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by Newbie (400 points)
This post is completely satire as the Onion is completely satire news site and publishes no serious and completely true news. I could not find a single reputable news source reporting on it  and during the parade there was no reporting on a single balloon breaking away and if there was a balloon breaking away if it was not reported in classic news then it would be could on amateur video for sure, which there was no evidence in this situation.
by Novice (830 points)
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This is a very thorough fact check given the unseriousness of the claim and supposed event. I especially appreciate you giving some context on the Onion, a well-known parody and satire news website. Further, you reveal that no other news source has reported on the alleged balloon floating away

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