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in General Factchecking by Innovator (50.9k points)
Ireland's abortion laws first shifted in 1992, granting pregnant minors the right to travel for the procedure. Meanwhile, the U.S. regresses, restricting both abortion and travel rights.

2 Answers

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by Innovator (50.9k points)
Best answer
Was 1992 a turning point for abortion-seekers in Ireland?

Fact-checked: True.

BBC News reported that in 1992 "the Thirteenth Amendment said the abortion ban would not limit freedom of travel from Ireland to other countries for a legal abortion."

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by Apprentice (1.4k points)

Although the source used in the claim is a link from a post on X, making it incredibly untrustworthy, the claim is true. A PBS article from 2022 says, "It is estimated that about 170,000 people traveled from Ireland to seek a legal abortion between 1980 and 2018". Ireland made history with its Supreme Court rulings regarding abortion in the last 100 years. In 2018, due to a repealing of their Eight Amendment which related to abortion, "legal abortions are now allowed during the first trimester, with costs covered by the public health service" says PBS. In America, people travel long distances to get abortions and are beginning to run out of options as legislation is passed. This is regression, as the claim states, and on this topic, PBS says "For decades before 2018, pregnant people in Ireland faced forced pregnancy, suffering and even death, a cautionary tale for what pregnant people in the U.S. could face if Roe is reversed". The claim is true and the United States is repeating history by passing laws banning abortion as many women continue to struggle and die because of causes related to birth, pregnancy, and miscarriages. 


by Newbie (470 points)
0 0
This is a really good fact check! You ensured to point out the obvious suspicious source, but your outside research made it clear that the claim itself was true. It is really important to point out the dichotomy of a situation where the source may not be reliable, but the possibility of the information being true is not nonexistent.
by Innovator (50.9k points)
0 0
You did not address the claim completely, which specifically mentions that 1992 was a turning point for Ireland's abortion-seekers.

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