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in General Factchecking by Newbie (270 points)
Some training experts swear by weights. Others believe in plain old practice.

2 Answers

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by Newbie (260 points)

The idea that lifting weights hinders athletic performance is false. In fact, strength training can significantly enhance athletic performance when done correctly. This article discusses the benefits of weightlifting for athletes, emphasizing the importance of focusing on strength without necessarily increasing muscle mass. By targeting specific exercises and training strategies, athletes can improve their power, speed, and endurance, all of which are essential for high-level performance in many sports.


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by Newbie (470 points)
The article cited does not support the claim that lifting weights makes you less athletic. The New York Times is a generally reliable source, though it is important to note that this article is centered around the personal experience of one athlete, and there are other opinions cited that contradict his own. The story itself is likely true as it has actual quotes and anecdotes from the people its referencing, though, the article does not claim that what works for one athlete will ring true for all. The claim stated here is inherently misleading.

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