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in General Factchecking by Newbie (420 points)
Is the daily use of sunscreen harmful to your skin barrier because it blocks sun rays from giving people the Vitamin D they need? Please let me know as someone who values skincare.

4 Answers

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by Legend (7.1k points)

No, using sunscreen daily is not harmful to your skin. 

According to M.D. Anna Lien-Lun Chien, "Wearing sunscreen is one of the best — and easiest — ways to protect your skin’s appearance and health at any age. Used regularly, sunscreen helps prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging.

To help make sunscreen a part of your daily routine, dermatologist Anna Chien addresses common concerns."


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by Novice (800 points)

I disagree with the statement that using sunscreen daily is harmful to your skin.

According to American Medical Association, "Wearing sunscreen is one of the easiest ways to protext your skin's appearance and health at any age. But more often then not, people are not wearing - or reapplying - sunscreen properly. Knowing what type to buy and how to propely apply sunscreen are key to preventing skin cancer, which is often caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun or artifical sources such as tanning beds". 


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by Newbie (280 points)

Research indicates that the claim that too much or daily sunscreen can block people from receiving adequate Vitamin D from the sun is largely unfounded and disproved by research. 

While sunscreen does block some UVB rays, which is where this myth comes from, it still allows enough rays to reach the skin to support Vitamin D production. Research published in the National Library of Medicine states, "There is little evidence that sunscreen decreases 25(OH)D concentration when used in real-life settings, suggesting that concerns about vitamin D should not negate skin cancer prevention advice."


Additionally, the benefit of daily application of sunscreen far outweighs any potential risk. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, "unprotected sun exposure puts you at risk for any number of conditions that can permanently damage your skin, disfigure you, sometimes even kill you. And the regular use of sun protection can go a long way to keep any of that from happening."


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by Newbie (400 points)
This claim is false, daily sunscreen wear is not harmful to your skin. According to Harvard Health, sunscreen does not cause skin cancer and does not contain harmful ingredients. Although sunscreen blocks UVB rays, the article explains that most people don't apply enough sunscreen to cause a deficiency in Vitamin D. Sunscreen, when applied and re-applied correctly, contributes to skin cancer protection and even aging effects.


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