3 Answers

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by Newbie (400 points)
This is true. Here is a source from the School of Journalism at the Toronto Metropolitan University.

Gen Z is increasingly reconsidering having children due to concerns over affordability, economic instability, and climate change. Many young adults cite financial insecurity—such as high housing costs, student debt, and job uncertainty—as major obstacles to starting a family. Additionally, the rapid deterioration of the environment and worries about the future of the planet are pushing some to question the morality and practicality of having children and bringing a new generation to our planet.
by Novice (750 points)
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I like how you included another source that supports the claim! To make this fact check even stronger, you could look into the original sources that the CBS article cites to prove that their information is coming from somewhere legitimate.
by Novice (790 points)
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While I can see the logic in your answer, you did not link the source from the School of Journalism at Toronto Metropolitan University. Using many keywords to find this article, I came up empty. Please try and find this article or use another source to support your answer.
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by Newbie (200 points)
The claim that "Gen Z is less likely to not have children compared to previous generations" is a true statement. In an article published on Fortune titled " Millennials and GenZ won't have enough kids to sustain America's population- and it's up to the immigrants to make up the baby shortfall", the article goes into more depth on why the fall in population will occur including not only financial reasons, but also GenZ's tatse for freedom.
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by Newbie (300 points)

This statement is true.

According to a survey conducted by MassMutual on Consumer Spending & Saving Index 

About 23% of these adults, ranging from 18- to 43-years-old, said their financial motivation to remain childless boils down to two issues: valuing the financial freedom that comes from not having kids, as well as concerns about their ability to foot the bill for raising children. 


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