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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.2k points)
Young woman inhales a substance given to her by her manager and later dies. Manager is faced with murder charges.

2 Answers

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by Newbie (380 points)
It is true because her manager Eric Sembera was charged with first degree fentanyl murder by delivery. I found a FOX 26 article that obtained a charging document from Harris County District Court detailing the evidence and investigation against Eric Sembera.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Going forward please include a URL to your source. Thanks!
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ago by Newbie (300 points)
Unfortunately, this story is true. According to FOX 26, on August 2nd, Erica Russell and Eric Sembera were out celebrating Erica's birthday when Eric repeatedly asked her if she wanted to do a bump in the parking lot outside a bar. Although Sembera claimed it was fentanyl, Erica's parents have expressed doubts about her willingness to knowingly consume the drug, given her three months of sobriety in solidarity with her father, as well as her personality and tendencies. While driving her back home, Sembera noticed that Russell was nodding off and unresponsive. Sembera rushed her to the ER, but upon arrival, a security guard noticed visible narcotics in Sembera's vehicle and alerted the police. Sembera claims that when Russell woke up, she insisted on leaving and removed her IV against medical advice. Sembera then dropped her off at her house and she wasn't heard from since. Two days later, on August 4th, officers found her deceased at home after conducting a welfare check, as she had missed work and failed to answer phone calls. Eric Sembera was arrested and charged with first-degree fentanyl murder by delivery.




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