Eating dark chocolate daily does in fact lower the risk of diabetes. The writer of this claim provides factual, valid supporting evidence, and tends to stay on track about the subject at hand. According to the linked article, written by ABC news, the title is almost word for word compared to this users' statement. In the title, ABC states,"Daily dose of dark chocolate may lower diabetes risk, study finds." Right undernealth, the subheading reads, "Milk chocolate was not found by researchers to have the same affect." According to ABC, eating dark chocolate consistently lowers the risk of type two diabetes. They provide statistics from the British Medical Journal as well, stating that those who ate 5 servings of dark chocolate a week have a 21% lower risk of developing type two diabetes. Because of this statement, I began to research the statement in order to make sure it was true, unexaggerated, and valid enough for the title statement. After researching into the British Medical Journal, I found the statement almost word for word, "In analyses by chocolate subtypes, 4771 people with incident T2D were identified. Participants who consumed 5 servings/week of dark chocolate showed a significant 21% lower risk of T2D. No significant associations were found for milk chocolate intake."Not only does the author of this published statement provide clear, locatable evidence, but the article ABC news published also provides the same, clear evidence. The British Medical Journal is definitely a credible source, providing doctors and medical specialists who have studied topics like diabtes and its affects for years. I thought it would be important to find another article supporting this claim, so another that I thought was significant to this topic was on Medical News Today. They publised an article titled, "Dark chocolate may help lower type two diabetes risk." In the article, they also refer to the BMJ (British medical journal) and their conducted study. They repeat the same evidece, stating that 5 or more servings of dark chocolate a week can lower your chance of type two diabetes by 21%