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in General Factchecking by Innovator (50.9k points)
RFK Jr. sued Fauci and the NIH, winning a court case where they were compelled to admit that no vaccine has undergone full testing.

2 Answers

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by Innovator (50.9k points)
Best answer
Did the NIH admit that no vaccine has undergone full testing?

Fact-checked: False.

According to the NIH website, clinical trials ensure vaccine safety and effectiveness through three phases, from small safety tests to large-scale trials. Phase 1 is done in a small group of people. Scientists first determine if the vaccine is safe and test different doses. If it passes this phase, it moves on to phase 2. Phase 2 tests the vaccine in more people to see if it works. Researchers look at how the body responds to it and track any side effects. Finally, in phase 3, the vaccine is tested in thousands of people. This rigorous process ensures that any approved vaccine is safe and effective.

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by Newbie (360 points)
This claim is false. The commenter that made this claim is not a reputable source and provides no source, and has used an anonymous blue sky social media account to make several inflammatory remarks with nothing to back it up. RFK has used his nonprofit organization as a weapon to file many frivolous charges against vaccines but almost all have been immediately shot down. However these lawsuits bring media attention to anti-vaxxing conspiracies which are then parroted by social media accounts such as the one linked above.


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