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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
Tony Fauci stated that the COVID-19 death rate was "considerably less than 1%."

3 Answers

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by Novice (860 points)
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Best answer

This claim is misleading. You state that Dr. Fauci stated that the COVID-19 death rate was "considerably less than 1%." This quote is taken from a journal by the New England Journal of Medicine, in which Dr. Fauci was one of the authors. The section in which it is taken from is discussing hypothetical death rates of COVID-19 when "the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases." This journal was written in February of 2020 and served as an exploration of early statistics of the pandemic as it was emerging, even titled, "Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted." The journal is categorized as an editorial. Although this quote does exist and was contributed to by Dr. Fauci, the scenario in which it is presented makes this a misleading claim because the information is taken severly out of the context of the larger source. 


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Novice (960 points)

This claim is misleading. The photo linked above is from a Bluesky post that features a screenshot from a YouTube video posted by an unverified account that is not a news source of any kind. The claim in the video and screenshot above reference a 2020 editorial article published in The New England Journal of Medicine where Dr. Anthony Fauci is one of the authors, among two other physicians. The purpose of this article is to describe the state of the field as it pertained to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, explaining the findings of recent (at that time) studies and what was being worked on actively. The claim that “Tony Fauci stated that the COVID-19 death rate was "considerably less than 1%."” is related to a paragraph of this article in which Fauci discusses the findings of one study about COVID-19. Fauci was hypothesizing,“if one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%.” The screenshot is misleading in that it doesn't take into account the context of Fauci’s quote. 

New England Journal of Medicine article: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (740 points)
2 0
This is a great fact check. I really liked the way that you dove into the source provided to break it down. The added context to the quote was super helpful! Overall really great job.
by (100 points)
1 0
This is a great fact check and very well done. I think you did a great job gathering the context of the entire situation rather than considering that this may have technically been said. In addition, you look at the intentions of both the person saying this quote as well as the intentions of the people writing the article and making these claims. You also provide the article link so it is easy to reference.
by Newbie (380 points)
0 0
Great research. I like how you explained the purpose of the original sources. The context that you gave makes it simple to understand with the quote. Amazing to see how important context is even when it comes to statistics to how people can twist it to new narratives.
by Apprentice (1.5k points)
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This fact check is excellent, it identifies the sources that cannot be verified. You also did the research to find out what Fauci actually said.
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by Novice (950 points)
This link does not contain evidence from a news source. It provides a picture without any context. NPR released an article in May of 2020 that estimated an infection fatality risk of 0.5-1%, however, that was in contrast with the death rates of 5% or more, which was researched by John Hopkins University of Medicine.


Exaggerated/ Misleading

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