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ago by Newbie (380 points)

2 Answers

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ago by Newbie (220 points)

The claim to this information was that Kamala Harris Supporters were storming the capital holding the House and Republic Senate Leaders Hostage which is completely false. The link provided was to a forum similar to X called bsky.com, which provided a picture on people marching in Washington D.C with that headline. The original photo was from Getty images of the "Women's March" which took place during January 21, 2017, the day after Trump was sworn-into office. The exact photo was used in 2 articles one of those was from Buzzfeednews where they talked about the march. and the other was from the DailyMail, which talked about if Trump was elected in 2017 he would use his federal governments to punish critics.



ago by (160 points)
0 0
I think it was beneficial. How in-depth you described where the photos come from and the false information from the link provided from the claim, as well as talking about the dates and where the exact photo was used
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I think providing two different sources for where the incorrect images came from and giving background on how the images were being used incorrectly (referencing previous marches in the past 10 years) is a helpful way to fact-check. The sources are also helpful so that anyone can fact-check these images on their own to double-check your work.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
This fact-check is useful since it uses reliable sources to determine the location of the photos used in the original claim. Finding the original photographs used out of context and providing news coverage of what happened in these images effectively disproves the claim; excellent work.
ago by (180 points)
0 0
I believe this fact-check is useful as you found the original source of the images. The images were used out of context for this false claim. Finding multiple sources where the image was used is very helpful.
ago by (100 points)
0 0
I think that this is very useful due to you finding the original source and images. those both provided good context for the claims and the coverage from the news.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I agree with everything you said and think you fact-checked it very well. I do wonder how serious the statement was and if it was satirical. Although satirical or not without the tag to confirm it being a joke it is a dangerous statement. I think it is great that you provided the quotes and evidence that you did though.
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ago by Newbie (220 points)

The claim that Kamala Harris supporters raided the Capitol building following the 2024 election is entirely false and is a work of satire. The statement comes from an unnamed X user, declaring that Harris supporters raided the capitol and are holding republican leaders hostage. A reply to the original tweet includes an image of the alleged riots, but a reverse image search shows that the photo is actually from a 2017 women's march.


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